Why Recycle?

IT Value Recovery

The Reason

Computer products entertain us while making us more productive. We have the ability to watch movies online, keep in touch with friends on the other side of the world, and design wonderful new products that are beneficial to society as a whole.

Yet, for each new product introduced, the question becomes what happens to the devices being replaced? Just a few years ago products such as Palm, RAZR, and MP3 players were all the rage but are now obsolete as smart phones have replaced them and in a few years smart phones will be replaced by even newer products. RPC Global believes recycling is the cleanest, most efficient, and effective method for disposing of electronic waste. These are the major reasons for recycling:


In a corporate environment the life-cycle of a PC is 3-5 years based on allowable depreciations of accounting. Once a PC has served its useful life it then becomes a liability costing more to maintain per year than what it is worth. If not managed correctly outdated PC’s become extremely burdensome bogging down IT Administrators as they are forced to manage obsolete technology rather than working at peak efficiency maintaining the company network. Ultimately, if computers are not recycled at the end of their life cycle it creates a lose-lose-lose situation of company time, money and resources.


Refurbishing used computer products and introducing them back into the community instead of dumping them into the landfill is beneficial to the environment. In addition, recycling the raw materials contained inside electronics including metals, glass, and plastic ensures these products will be reused in the future. Finally, the biggest environmental benefit of recycling is the conservation of our natural resources. The cost of recycling easily beats the cost of digging for new materials.


Recycling is everybody’s responsibility from government to households, businesses to educational institutions; computers have made our live better it is up to us to be better to our community. With respect to safety and the environment, using technology and teamwork, we are committed to properly disposing your PC and making it RPC. Please CONTACT US to arrange for a pickup of your computer products.

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