Daniel Abraham Yanofsky

Canadian chess player
Written by: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica Last Updated

Daniel Abraham Yanofsky (“Abe”),   (born March 25, 1926, Brody, Pol.—died March 5, 2000, Winnipeg, Man.), Polish-born Canadian chess master who , was Canada’s first chess grandmaster and an eight-time national champion. He was a chess prodigy who, by the age of 12, was champion of Manitoba. In 1939, as Canada’s second-ranking player, he participated in the Chess Olympiad in Buenos Aires, Arg., scoring a remarkable 85% in his first international tournament. Yanofsky captured the first of his eight Canadian championships in 1941. He later embarked on a playing tour of Europe, winning a memorable match against future world champion Mikhail Botvinnik in 1946, ... (100 of 204 words)

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