5 Ways to Keep Your Wildlife Garden in Bloom

Blue Columbine

Keeping your wildlife garden blooming through the summer can be a challenge especially during periods of drought and high temperatures. The colors of the spring garden rapidly fade but there are ways to keep plants attractive and blooming all season long. First, your garden should include a variety of plant species that bloom in different […]

Hope in Ecological Hopelessness


We are remaking the world in our own image. From carbon emissions to water use, to shifting climate zones and exotic plant choices, to habitat loss and oil extraction, not one square inch of this world is unaltered. It’s far easier psychologically to reframe this sad reality with hope – hope that things will get […]

Less Honey Bee, More Native Bee

Prairie Clover

Stop with the honey bee talk. Every day I come across a half dozen new articles on the plight of the European honey bee — it’s become sheer agony for me. Frankly, even though neonics and glyphosate and modern farming techniques play a key role in honey bee loss (among many other life forms), I […]

How Prairie Saves Lives


It’s flyover country out here in Nebraska. Each spring millions of waterfowl come through on their way to breeding grounds in the Dakotas (some 90% of North American ducks breed there), Canada, and the arctic circle. 90 minutes west of here is a pretty famous migration that brings in big tourist bucks — some 500,000 […]

Monarchs With a Vengeance

Monarch & milkweed soup.

I remember the day distinctly. July 15 of this year — also my birthday, also my parent’s wedding anniversary. One of my dozen or so Liatris ligulistylis had opened its first bloom and I thought nothing of it. Summer was progressing at warp speed, more warpier with each passing year. In 2013 I raised 5 […]

Florida Green Roof Providing Habitat, Clean Rainfall and Fresh Cool Air

Green Roofs are so important to Florida and other areas because of their cooling effects

I am so excited to be bringing vertical green to a new coffee shop on the main street of Downtown Disney.  The project’s primary designer has been so exciting to work with on this project. Interestingly, and a challenge to my native plant approach was a sign hanging prominently near the entrance of Disney’s Main […]

Planning for Climate Change


I have been reevaluating my landscape for the last few years to determine where I could include more forage plants for pollinators. I have a very treed yard with one open, sunny area on a gravel slope. After hearing two more climate change presentations this winter at various conferences, I decided I would need to make some drastic changes in […]

Wildflower or Robo-Plant? Trends Toward C4 Gene Implantation In C3 Plants.

Gaillardia pulchella, native or robo-plant?

This is a call for a full press effort to encourage and teach the importance of sustainable lifestyles throughout our communities.  It is now crucial for us to conserve water, build green and create eco-friendly living, working and playing areas or, in the alternative, ‘robo-native-plants’ may be lurking right around the corner. Designing green roofs […]

Thoughts on Spring Time and Climate Change

Pseudotsuga menziesii seedlings in the CSR greenhouse

Pseudotsuga menziesii seedlings in the CSR greenhouse Every year I look forward to the ground opening up and for the plants to start growing. This year, in the west, spring is coming early. In fact, for the last decade, it would appear that the weather warms up sooner than I remember as a child. Recently, […]

Death And Destruction—And New Life


One effect of pine beetles: Massive forest fires, like the one we experienced the summer of 2012. That isn’t a cloud behind the trees—it’s smoke. Just after I snapped this picture, we evacuated for weeks while the fire raged. The death toll starts to become visible in late winter, up here in the Rockies. No, […]

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