Is The Order: 1886 just Quick-Time Events with Occasional Shooting?

Danny plays the latest demo of The Order: 1886 and expresses concern over just how much of the game involves walking a pre-determined path and occasionally pressing the triangle button.

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Danny's pointless criticism of this game, you press up on the analog stick to move or press X to open a door or triangle for a take-down, has not stopped me from per-ordering this game.  What I seen so far is a shooter with occasional QTE.


The part where you have to overload the panel is not a QTE, that is a puzzle that requires you to use the analog sticks.


CALL OF DUTY : PREVIOUS WARFARE  .  New technology Quicktime events.


Everything he's complaining about is in every COD game since the first MW title. Remind me, what score do those games get on average...from this site?


Even though we know you can't stop bringing up cod in like everyone of your comments in some way, shape or form. No.. They are almost different in every way.. Did you not watch the videos?


@DrizztDark must be mistaking me for someone else. Either way, in the video: "you hold down the stick button to rappel down and press the x button to jump" That is the exact same mechanic for rappelling down buildings as in COD games (and almost every other game, I might add) There are QTE's aplenty in Advanced Warfare. It's there to break up the pace and is standard in most shooters these days so why is the Order being criticised for it while other games get a free pass? 


@toecutter00 @DrizztDark it seems to be the amount of it in this game. In COD you spend most of the time shooting and every now and then with a QTE.


@toecutter00 I know people like making fun of COD whenever they can, but the problems with that series has never been a lack of actual gameplay.


@toecutter00 gamespot is own by CBS interactive, they get pay by ads etc etc.  So the rating, ads, and publicity the game get is base on how much they get pay.


I don't find anything wrong with that honestly... Looks like an amazing game, looks fun, as long as the story is worth it, it doesn't matter how much shooting or QTE i get to play.. Honestly this doesn't look like a game you'll buy just for the shooting anyway. It's kinda clear its focused on a story, so for me, that's the buy isn't it?


This comment and your other's below scream one thing.... Fanboy


@DrizztDark  Just to make sure you're not talking about me, the last time I was a full time console gamer was the Xbox/Gamecube/PS2 gamer. I haven't have a console for more than 6 months since I purchased my 360 and PC at the same time and favored PC. I had a Wii, 360, and PS3, but just couldn't find a reason to keep any. I do emulate and play console games on PC, so unless you count favorite game developers, I'm not a fanboy of anything.


@Berserker_2 Nothing will ever be another Ryse: Son Of Rome... You can put your money on that, this isn't Microsoft.


I actually don't get or like the random QTE hate. It was good in Resident Evil 4--you know what I like good QTEs, hate bad QTEs. Simple. I love ones that let you fight a really huge boss, then grab onto it and do really dynamic stuff, then go back to regular gameplay. I remember the last Medal of Honor had a part where you're running, then suddenly you realize it's a cutscene and you're not controlling your guy anymore and I remember that feeling uncomfortable. But they cut out the QTEs because people hate on them. A well done QTE can be far more involving than a cutscene or even listening to someone ramble in realtime. Uncharted 3 fist fights are basically QTEs, that's dumb. The kill moves in Ryse being QTEs are actually pretty fitting and feels satisfying. I'd be nice if you could use motion controls, but people hated on those as well. It'd be more fitting to raise a symbolic sword or pull a symbolic lever, but whatever.


@Kryptonbornson i actually liked the QTE stuff in Tomb Raider, at least there was a chance of you missing it. QTE's that are easy to do are a waste of time. 


@RobDev Yeah, like press "x" to pay your respects. Sometimes they can be silly, but other times I see them as the innovation that they are.


I think the game looks beautiful and I'm really interested in it but this got me a bit worried... Usually I agree with Danny, he knows how to analise games and has a good experience as a player, so if he isn't really sure about this game then it might be a problem.

But, on the other hand, I don't think what he described is those really annoying QTEs where we have to push the right buttons at the right time in order to don't lose. What he described felt to me more like interactive cutscenes and if it really is like that I might be cool with it. I'm fine with just one story with one path.


Wow the Xbox fanboys are in full force. Pathetic.


the hypocrisy of Sony fanboys... now qte are ok or nah?


So it'll be a game I can expect a single playthrough for then.

I remember loving every moment of MGS4, except for every QTE part... That last "walk me down the corridor" part with Snake was just so awful and, unfortunately, that's the part I remember the best because of how much I hated it....


I wonder when someone is going to tell They Who Maketh The Games that no one f***ing likes quicktime events.


I still think this will be a great game because the setting and graphics are awesome.  The gunplay looks fun too.

It's also a missed opportunity.  I'd love to explore the world they created through action-rpg style gameplay.  When you create a setting this cool, it's a shame to limit it to an on-rails experience. 


Still waiting for greatness.....


@cetaepsilon Technically gameplay on rails, you're asked to press a certain sequence of buttons and than a little bit of the game plays out of itsself (like a quick time movie).  It can be fun if i happens once or twice in a game... if half the game is like this however, it's like watching a movie... which is not what a game should be like (in my opinion)

(Unless that's what it's marketed as, as an interactive story. (think Telltale games, i can really enjoy those at times... but i know what i'm buying when it has a TT logo on the box)


you could technically call MGS4 that too, and it is one of my favorite games of all time...


So a Sony game then - average gameplay masked by great visuals. Nothing new.



Explain your calculus then, please.

Because that link doesn't have numbers supporting your claim.



That's 2 games out of 5(!) that came out that year with above 90 score across 3 Sony platforms. Actually Flower takes 2 spots on the list since it is on Vita too. I would argue that Flower isn't even a game, let alone it being a re-release of a 4-year old title. But hey, desperate as we are, let's count it too and get used to it.

Since 2014 in console gaming has being 90% exactly that, which will no doubt be appearant in this year's metactitic feature.

So, in the end, this is what we all should be jealous of? Being able to play 5 good games across 3 devices?

PC, for example, has the same ammount on ONE device.


@R10nu @maghdie are you for real? According to YOUR OWN LINK the top exclusive is TLOU. then flower, In fact there isn't a SINGLE xbox exclusive listed in the top 20 


@xgalacticax PlayStation exclusives are higher rated and more award winning then Xbox and PC exclusives only Nintendo can compete with PlayStation in terms of exclusives don't be jealous now


Where is this mοrοnic argument when you are rating Telltale games ?

dannyodwyer moderator staff

@Talavaj Long and short of it is your actions have meanings in those games. The Order seems to be one singular story with no choice or influence whatsoever.


@Talavaj Because TT games are interactive adventure games? The definition "adventure" being that what was used to classify point 'n click adventure games in the vein of old Sierra / LucasArts stuff.

You know what you're getting when you buy a TT game. 


How about we actually PLAY THE GAME before making a judgement call like this? I am still very excited for the game.


@Martyr77  Oh I can hear the tears already for this failure of a game.


it does not matter if it consist only of qtes or not  ... if the game is enjoyable and refreshing from start to end its a good game ... and if there are a lot of details in the presentation and progress in the cutscenes ... I see no Problem

I mean these people give ryse a 4 and stuff like CoD, BL and AC top Ratings ... dont feed the o'trol'ls ^^