Paco Pomet

No me pueden gustar más las locas pinturas de Paco Pomet.
















































Paco Pomet







Kim Michey

Toca volver a repasar los últimos trabajos de una de mis locas tatuadoras preferidas.

Yoo Hyun

El artista coreano Yoo Hyun crea unos espectaculares retratos con la ayuda de un bisturí para papel y mucha mucha paciencia.

Kit King

Las intensas miradas hiperrealistas pintadas por la artista Kit King.


Bartkira is an animated parody mash-up of The Simpsons and Akira. Based on an idea by Ryan Humphrey articulated through comics, the concept was expanded with the Bartkira project, a comic collaboration of Simpsons fans, curated by James Harvey. In association with the comic, Moon Animate Make-Up producer Kaitlin Sullivan pitched the idea of an animated trailer to match and with the work of over fifty artists, produced the Bartkira animated trailer.

Another Skin by Akiko Shinzato

This collection by Akiko Shinzato is a series of jewellery around the face since facial features are the most important parts to the first impression and what most people care about. It explores how simply and easily you can change your appearances with a piece of leather or crystals, and it consists of two series: Wearing makeup and Putting on someone’s identity. In the crystal series “Wearing makeup,” the wearer adopts the masked features of a painted clown. In the leather series “Putting on someone’s identity,” a wearer mixes her own facial features with that of others; whereas she looks at herself reflected in mirrors at the same time. Each piece of the collection partially hides the facial features of the wearer whilst revealing a whole other identity.

The Shed Project by Lee John Phillips

Lee John Phillips está dibujando todas las herramientas, clavos, tornillos, tuercas, potes… que tenía su difunto abuelo, unas 100.000 piezas sueltas. Una preciosa locura que le puede ocupar unos 5 años de trabajo.

Stefaan De Croock

This mural by Stefaan De Croock (aka Strook) is placed on the side wall of an old furniture factory in Mechelen, Belgium. It’s made by piecing together discarded wooden planks, doors and furniture.

Wooden aquarelle by Meike Harde

Provoked by the movement of pigments and water the compositions are formed by an autonomous colour-dynamic. Wooden aquarelle, a colouring technique for wooden surfaces, allows the mass production of individually unique pieces.

Jason Briggs

Las enigmáticas e incómodas esculturas de porcelana del artista Jason Briggs, unas deformes y raras masas “orgánicas” con matices sexuales y fetichistas.

Come / Jain

Genial videoclip dirigido por Lionel Hirlé & Grégory Ohrel.

Luis Mazón

El arte de Luis Mazón lleva el gif animado a otro nivel.

“Penguins Mirror” by Daniel Rozin

Si creíamos que con el anterior “espejo” creado por Daniel Rozinhecho con pompones, iba a ser difícil que nos volviera a sorprender no podíamos estar más equivocados. Mirad lo que hace con 450 pingüinos de peluche…


Salmiana se dedica al diseño de espacios con plantas contando también con un línea propia de macetas con diseños exclusivos y en diferentes materiales; que van desde el barro y la madera, hasta el concreto y el metal.

Todas las macetas son elaboradas a mano y algunas de ellas son ediciones limitadas. Las plantas son seleccionadas cuidadosamente con el fin de que se conviertan en una opción especial para darle vida tanto a hogares como a lugares de trabajo.

Trust Your Gut

Typographic response by Yee Poon to Stefan Sagmeister’s book ‘Things I Have Learnt In My Life So Far’.

Kazuhiro Tsuji

Kazuhiro Tsuji is a contemporary hyperrealist sculptor living and working in Los Angeles. After working 25 years as a special effects makeup artist in Hollywood, Kazu decisively shifted focus in 2008, dedicating himself full time to fine art sculpture. Using resin, platinum silicone, and many other materials, Kazu constructs three-dimensional portraits in a scale two times life size.

In Praise of Chairs

One of the great things about detailed production design is that it pays off in unexpected ways. Tony Zhou explore the weird possibilities of that most common of objects: the chair.

In 20 Steps by Drift

An installation about the movement of flight by Studio Drift.

Laura Callaghan

Nos intimidan y nos flipan las chicas dibujadas por Laura Callaghan, tan pop, tan cómic, tan recargado, tan TAN.

Collection Blanche by Jules Julien

De Jules Julien ya nos enamoramos de toda su obra azul que es simplemente espectacular, pues ahora lo haremos de su preciosa vajilla blanca.

Alternatives Landscapes I & II

Benoit Paillé retrata un misterioso y luminoso cubo de luz que flota en medio de silenciosos paisajes nocturnos.

VLES Interactive light installation

Installation offers the viewer to feel the atmosphere of the mystical forest and meet its inhabitants, by moving the light beam through the panoramic visual surface. The installation was placed in the center of contemporary art M’Ars, within interactive exhibition LifeZone (Moscow, May-June 2015).


Lo grotesco y lo colorido se junta en las ilustraciones de Pierre Schmidt, aka drømsjel.

Emory Douglas — The Art of The Black Panthers

Emory Douglas was the Revolutionary Artist and Minister of Culture for the Black Panther Party. He used his art as a weapon in the Black Panther Party’s struggle for civil rights and today Emory continues to give a voice to the voiceless. His art and what The Panthers fought for are still as relevant as ever.

Johan Barrios

Grafito, acuarela y óleo es lo que ha usado el artista colombiano Johan Barrios para crear su última colección llamada Ejercicios de Ruptura.

Julien Mier & Magical Mistakes — Divide, Multiply

Official music video for Julien Mier & Magical Mistakes directed by Keita Onishi.

Do Ho Suh ⏤ Perfect Home

Korean artist Do Ho Suh draws attention to the ways viewers occupy and inhabit public space. Interested in the malleability of space in both its physical and metaphorical manifestations, Suh constructs site-specific installations that question the boundaries of identity. His work explores the relation between individuality, collectivity and anonymity. This film shows some of Suh’s artworks displayed in the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa, Japan. The exhibition was titled PERFECT HOME.


Fasted by Studio Dessuant Bone

La preciosa vajilla “no funcional” de la cual solamente vemos su volumen. Creada por el Studio Dessuant Bone.

Intertidal Deployment Objects 2

Bonitos y originales jarrones-boya que mezclan partes de cerámica con acabados normales con otras que han pasado sumergidas bajo el mar un buen tiempo y así se le han pegado unos cuantos balánidos. By Something Like This Design.


La Fresca Chair

Una silla con acento andaluz diseñada por Damián López de Leblume y Granada Barrero Studio.


Las paredes pintadas por la artista Hyuro a modo de lienzo, son como el reflejo de un bonito universo muy personal, poéticamente extraño e inquietante.