University of Minnesota
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The Humphrey School of Public Affairs is the University of
Minnesota's school of policy and planning.

How would you like to connect?


As.... a member of the interested public


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Sign up to follow our blogs, and become part of the public policy discussion on everything from campaign politics to renewable energy.


As... a prospective student


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Sign up for more information about our programs, student life, opportunities to engage, and what the Humphrey School could do for you.

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Like us on Facebook, and hear about upcoming opportunities to learn more about our programs, interact with other prospective students and our recruitment staff.


As.... a current student



The Public Affairs Student Association (PASA) represents, informs, and engages the student body both inside and outside the Humphrey School, and online.

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Like PASA on Facebook, and join the online community of your peers - share opportunities to engage and the most important part... the Humph Night location.

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Follow PASA on Twitter, and follow what your classmates are up to... or try to become the Mayor of the School on FourSquare.

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Our current students and alumni share a closed LinkedIn group, where they are able to build connections excelusively with one another.


As... an alumnus


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If you're an alumnus of the Humphrey School, you can stay connected to the Humphrey School by liking our Facebook page.

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Alumni have a unique way to connect with each other and the School by following the alumni twitter page, handle @HHHAlumni.

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Our alumni connect on our LinkedIn group more than anywhere else online. Connect professionally with alumni from all of our programs and graduating years, as well as current students and faculty members.