Xenoblade Chronicles comes to New Nintendo 3DS on April 10

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, the portable port of Monolith Soft's Wii role-playing game, is coming to New Nintendo 3DS on April 10, Nintendo confirmed in a new trailer.

The New 3DS version of Xenoblade Chronicles is exclusive to Nintendo's new handheld; it won't play on earlier Nintendo 3DS models. The New Nintendo 3DS XL launches in North America next week, on Feb. 13.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D will support StreetPass, letting New 3DS owners earn in-game tokens when meeting other 3DS owners through the system's wi-fi social service. Players can also earn tokens by tapping the Shulk amiibo — which is a GameStop exclusive — on the New 3DS. Tokens can then be spent to unlock music and character models in the game.

Check out the above trailer for a look at Xenoblade Chronicles 3D on New 3DS. You'll notice that the trailer shows off the new box art style for New Nintendo 3DS exclusive games.

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