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reparation Menurut Suku Kata: rep·a·ra·tion
Sebutan: /ˌrepəˈrāSH(ə)n/

Definisi reparation dalam Bahasa Inggeris:

kata nama

1The making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged: the courts required a convicted offender to make financial reparation to his victim
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  • She took a little flat over some shops in North West London and led a more restful, retired life, made possible by the monthly payments of refugee reparation the lawyer arranged for her.
  • Is there any way that we as a community can ever make reparation for this terrible rent in the social fabric?
  • This is not the tragedy of one man, but an exploration of the motives for revenge, and an interrogation of the notions of morality and punishment, wrongdoing and destructive attempts at seeking reparation.
amends, restitution, redress, compensation, recompense, repayment, atonement
1.1 (reparations) The compensation for war damage paid by a defeated state.
Contoh-contoh ayat
  • It has so far paid more than $45 billion in compensation and reparations.
  • The Treaty of Versailles, one of the peace settlements signed at the end of the First World War, required that Germany pay the Allies large sums of money as reparations for the damage caused by the war.
  • Japan-Korea ties will hinge on what Tokyo expects and can ultimately get out of Pyongyang, especially in security assurances versus war reparations.
2 archaic The action of repairing something: the old hall was pulled down to avoid the cost of reparation
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  • Some were defamation cases, others sought reparation for the cost of delays and lost income.


Sebutan: /rəˈperədiv/
kata sifat
Contoh-contoh ayat
  • There are two surgical options - reparative or restorative.
  • Persecuted daily for being overweight and her freak-down-the-block-status, Gilman got though life via a series of reparative fantasies.
  • The amateur therapist in me thinks his magical thinking, even the black magical thinking, may actually be a healthy reparative fantasy.


Late Middle English: from Old French, from late Latin reparatio(n-), from reparare 'make ready again' (see repair1).

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