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Sao Paulo, Brazil

In May 2008, the Sao Paulo City Hall was the site of a major Earth Charter event. The mayor of Sao Paulo, Mr. Gilberto Kassab, signed a commitment to the Earth Charter and expressed his full support for the collaboration efforts between the Sao Paolo Secretary of Education and Secretary of Environment, focused on implementing actions to bring the Earth Charter into the city's education system. On this occasion the Secretary of Environment for Sao Paolo, Eduardo Jorge and the Secretary of Education, Alexandre Alves Schneider, formally signed an agreement committing to collaborate in the process of working with the Earth Charter, its dissemination and in bringing it to the education system in this city of 16 million people.

The Mayor and both Secretaries spoke passionately about the importance of these efforts and expressed the willingness to celebrate Earth Day 2008 with the Earth Charter. They envision that all schools in Sao Paulo will work with the Earth Charter and bring it to life for that occasion, through educational programming and action projects.
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