The Equity in Athletics Data Analysis Cutting Tool Banner
The Equity in Athletics Data Analysis Cutting Tool Inner Banner
is brought to you by the Office of Postsecondary Education of the U.S. Department of Education. This analysis cutting tool was designed to provide rapid customized reports for public inquiries relating to equity in athletics data. The data are drawn from the OPE Equity in Athletics Disclosure Website database. This database consists of athletics data that are submitted annually as required by the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA), via a Web-based data collection, by all co-educational postsecondary institutions that receive Title IV funding (i.e., those that participate in federal student aid programs) and that have an intercollegiate athletics program.
Cautionary Note
Please note that valid comparisons of athletics data are possible only with study and analysis of the conditions affecting each institution.
The data collected in this survey are provided by institutions in accordance with the EADA and may not be the same as data used for determining compliance with other Federal or state laws, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

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