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I-fan Lin

Born, raised, and educated in Taiwan. I write about current Taiwan issues and events as well as the Taiwanese blogosphere.

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Latest posts by I-fan Lin

21 September 2015

UN Does Not Recognize Taiwanese Passport, Denies Entrance to Geneva Office

Several Taiwanese citizens were denied entrance to the United Nations offices, after the receptionist there said the passport issued by Taiwan (ROC) was not a valid identity document.

19 September 2015

Taiwan Fishing Heritage: Fish and Fire Dance in the Sea

Every year from May to September, masses of anchovies and sardines swim off the northern coast of Taiwan. "Jolting fire," a traditional way of fishing, is used to catch them.

3 August 2015

Taiwan’s Anti-Curriculum Change Campaign Intensifies Following Student Activist's Death

"Today is Guan-Hua Lin’s birthday, July 30. He had only one hope...that we Taiwanese can receive an education based on a Taiwanese perspective. "

28 July 2015

Taiwanese High School Students Arrested After Protesting New Textbook Guidelines

Thirty high-school students and three reporters were arrested for entering the Ministry of Education to protest against new textbook guidelines that tell Taiwan's history from a greater Chinese perspective.

21 July 2015

Indonesians in Taiwan Find a More Welcoming Atmosphere on Eid al-Fitr Than in Years Past

Although Indonesians' public celebrations of Eid al-Fitr in the past were met with hostility, Taiwanese have learned to respect this Muslim holiday and help their Indonesian friends celebrate it.

24 June 2015

Arrested for Criticizing a Former Prime Minister, Singaporean Teen Blogger Amos Yee is Now Being Evaluated for Autism

Global Voices Advocacy

The 16-y/o blogger who criticized Lee Kuan Yew was suggested to be suffering from autism spectrum disorder, and the judge ruled him to be remanded for another two weeks to...

19 June 2015

Singaporean Teenage Video Blogger Sent to ‘Rehabilitation’ For Offensive YouTube Video

Global Voices Advocacy

According to Amnesty International, the 16-year old Amos Yee is the youngest prisoner of conscience in the world today.

15 June 2015

Hope for a Nuclear-Free Taiwan

The Bridge

Many Taiwanese wish to reduce the risks of nuclear power, but if President Ma's administration represses their voices instead of listening, the problems of nuclear waste could be deadlocked.

2 June 2015

What a ‘Mischievous Blonde Woman’ Dalai Lama Could Look Like

The Dalai Lama said that he may return as a ‘mischievous blonde woman’ or he might not be incarnated at all. His comments inspired Hong Konger and Taiwanese comic artists.

15 May 2015

Award-Winning Photos Capture the Indigenous Tao People on Taiwan’s Orchid Island

An increase in tourists has the Tao people worried about new challenges to their fishing way of life.

24 March 2015

Protesters in Taiwan Rally Against Nuclear Power

As many as 45,000 people in Taiwan protested plans to extend the service lives of the country's two oldest nuclear power stations.

7 February 2015

‘Hate Is Not What Humans Should Do': Slain Journalist Kenji Goto's Words Live On Online

The Japanese journalist, who was executed by ISIS in January, logged his heart-wrenching and thought-provoking observations about conflict in the Middle East and Africa on his website and Twitter account.

4 February 2015

Male University Students in Taiwan Wear Skirts to Support Transgender Community

"I cannot help but feel sad. What makes us be so overcome with negative feelings when we see a minority who is different from us?"

24 November 2014

Young Independent Candidates Are Shaking Up Taiwan's Local Elections

Many young activists are throwing their name into the pool of candidates for local village chiefs in an effort to combat the "rotten" culture of community politics.

28 October 2014

As Taiwan Considers Marriage Equality, Tens of Thousands Attend Pride Parade

Hope was in the air at the colorful 2014 LGBT Taiwan Pride Parade, where two participants in particular wrote on their T-shirts that the looked forward to getting married.

Taiwanese Facebook Users Are Tagging a Death Row Inmate in Their Travels to Demand Justice

Cheng Hsin-Tse was sentenced to death in 2002 for the murder of a police officer. Due to the lack of hard evidence, his supporters want a review of his sentence.

8 October 2014

With an Eye on China's Future, Mainlanders Brave Arrest to Support Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution

At least 34 activists in China had been arrested. Some in mainland China hope a win for democracy in Hong Kong will mean democratic development at home.

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