British academy

Academy Research Projects

The scheme offers the kitemarking of academic excellence to major infrastructural projects or research facilities, intended to produce fundamental works of scholarship, in most cases for the use of a variety of disciplines, rather than to produce interpretative works or monographs. The Academy grants the title of Academy Research Project to about 55 long-term enterprises, each organised and run by its own Project Committee.

Academy Centenary Research Project

After a rigorous process intended to identify major new and innovative strands of long term research in the humanities and social sciences, which will make a significant impact on the development of scholarship in the first part of the twenty-first century, the Academy adopted the following project in 2003 as an Academy Centenary Research Project.

From Lucy to Language: The Archaeology of the Social Brain

Project Director: Professor R I M Dunbar, FBA
Project Director: Professor C S Gamble, FBA
Project Director: Professor J A J Gowlett