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Stories about Gay Rights (LGBT)

22 September 2015

Haitian President's Sexist Comments Remind Caribbean Feminists They Still Have a Long Way to Go

From schoolboy raps to ministerial threats, women across the Caribbean continue to pay the price for speaking out, says the Code Red feminist blog.

It Gets Worse for Russia's Most-Prominent LGBT Youth Support Group

RuNet EchoGlobal Voices Advocacy

Authorities have ordered the country's most popular social network to ban Children-404, along with four other LGBT groups, or risk being blocked altogether by Russian Internet providers.

19 August 2015

Puerto Rico Celebrates the First Same-Sex Weddings—And It's About Time

After many years of hardships and struggle, same-sex couples in Puerto Rico can now formalize their commitment to each other.

12 August 2015

Australian Parliamentarians Denied Free Vote on Same Sex Marriage Law

Many Australians were angered by a decision of the government parties to deny a free vote to their parliamentarians on a bill to legalise same sex marriage.

11 August 2015

Jamaicans Stage Milestone LGBT Pride Celebration

Arguably one of the most homophobic countries in the world, Jamaica has staged its first ever—and incident-free—LGBT pride celebrations.

17 July 2015

Psychologist Leaves St. Petersburg University After Pressure from Anti-LGBT Group

RuNet Echo

The St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University has dissolved a sex-change medical board, and apparently fired Dmitry Isaev, the doctor who headed the commission, following an anti-LGBT campaign.

28 June 2015

How Russia’s Biggest Homophobe Joined an LGBT Social Community

RuNet Echo

One of Russia's most popular satirical online communities has used the recent US Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage to troll St. Petersburg's most infamous homophobic politician.

16 June 2015

Pink Dot Rally for LGBT Rights Gathers 28,000 People in Singapore

"We believe everyone deserves the freedom to love, and the freedom to be themselves."

26 May 2015

Bangladesh Wants ‘Third Gender’ Hijras to Serve as Traffic Police

Hijras often face widespread discrimination and are shut out of employment opportunities. Bangladesh wants to recruit them as traffic police to help change that.

Singapore Bans Music Video for Its Pro-LGBT Content

"How ironic is it that on the same day Singapore bans a song with gay marriage content, Ireland votes in favor of it?"

23 May 2015

Scandal in Argentina as Judges Say a Six-Year Old's Alleged Homosexuality Invited Sexual Abuse

'This moronic "judge" Piombo who calls a six-year-old a transvestite deserves to be thrown in jail!'

21 May 2015

Activist Ambassador Lawyer Journalist: What It’s Like to Be Hated Online in Russia Today

RuNet Echo

Earlier this week, Afisha magazine's Nina Nazarova published a collection of fascinating interviews with four public figures who have played major roles online and in the news in Russia.

11 May 2015

‘Proud Lebanon’ Releases Powerful Anti-Homophobia Video

In commemoration of International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT), "Proud Lebanon" is calling for equal rights to be extended to the Lebanese LGBT community.

8 May 2015

More and More, LGBT Japanese Are Coming Out of the Closet

An Internet survey conducted by international PR and advertising giant Dentsu has found that 1 in 13 Japanese people (7.7%) between the ages of 20 and 59 identify as LGBT.

21 April 2015

Until You Change: ‘Dehomosexualization’ the Ecuadorian Way

Ecuador's government is trying to close or regulate an army of private rehabilitation centers that claim to be able to change individuals' sexual orientations and gender identifications.

20 April 2015

The ‘Beauty’ of Russian Homophobia

RuNet Echo

Titled "Beautiful People and What They Say to Me," LGBT rights activist Lena Klimova posted photos of individuals in their everyday lives, and the threatening messages they’ve sent her online.

Lesbian Fleeing Persecution in Cameroon Finally Receives Asylum in Spain

Although Spain is one of the world's more tolerant countries in regards to LGBT rights, its governmental institutions are not as inclined to granting asylum.

14 April 2015

President Obama's Visit to Jamaica Wasn't All ‘Irie’

Some Jamaicans weren't so keen to see authorities falling over themselves to make Jamaica Obama-ready.

5 April 2015

In China, ‘Cooperative Marriage’ Means a Gay Man and a Lesbian Woman Wed Each Other

The unions are seen as a way around intense parental pressure to get hitched and to produce a grandchild. They also seem to be gaining in popularity.

8 March 2015

Singapore Blogger Who Criticized Court Case of Anti-Gay Sex Law Fined for ‘Scandalizing the Judiciary’

Global Voices Advocacy

"The prosecution of Alex Au for speaking out is just one more example of Singapore’s willingness to misuse law to gag its critics."

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