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Stories about Disaster

15 October 2015

A Landslide in Guatemala Killed More Than 200 People This Month. Here’s How You Can Help the Victims.

The Guatemalan Red Cross has put in place various measures to help the victims of a landslide in the town of El Cambray Dos that killed more than 200 people.

27 September 2015

Consumers and Activists Take Action in Singapore to Stop Haze Pollution

"As consumers, we can contribute towards our collective fight against haze pollution by making informed and responsible purchases."

19 September 2015

Dying for a Drink? This New Web Series About São Paulo's Drought Might Be for You

From the politics behind São Paulo's water management to the illusion of water as a limitless resource, this Web series presents the dire predicament of Brazil's largest city.

15 September 2015

Saudi King Pays a Short Visit to an Iranian Victim of the Mecca Crane Incident

Saudi King Salman visits an Iranian victim of the Mecca crane accident, which killed 107 pilgrims on Friday. Some say it is a PR exercise while others praise Salman

13 September 2015

Remembering the Great Fire of Smyrna, 93 Years Ago

The Smyrna Catastrophe is widely considered the worst incident of modern Greek history, and the plight of the refugees halted the Greco-Turkish relations for many decades.

Haze Returns to Southeast Asia as Indonesia's Forest Fires Reach Critical Level

Smoke from forest fires in Indonesia has led to hazy skies in Malaysia and Singapore as well. Social media users reacted with concerns about health and jokes about "Haze Runner."

12 September 2015

Sudden, Massive Flooding Near Tokyo Catches Japan Off-Guard

The sheer scale of the flooding was surprising, and was reminiscent of the devastation caused by the massive tsunami that struck northeastern Japan in March, 2011.

Multi-Billion Construction Work Kills 107 Pilgrims in Mecca Just Weeks Before Hajj

A construction crane collapse that took the lives of over a hundred Mecca pilgrims right before the Hajj is raising questions about the grand expansion plans for the Mosque.

11 September 2015

Many Japanese Surprised Their Country Accepts Very Few Refugees

"Anyone who supports parliamentary democracy based on a constitution should never ignore the plight of refugees."

7 September 2015

For Animals and Their Humans, Love Speeds the Post-Quake Recovery in Nepal

From the outside, it’s easy to reduce livestock to economics, and that’s certainly one aspect of their existence. But they’re also members of the family.

6 September 2015

The Day Dhaka Went Under Water

Heavy rains in Dhaka have caused massive traffic jams and water damage, disrupting the lives of thousands of citizens. On social media, people blamed climate change and poor waste management.

1 September 2015

Dominica Rallies in Aftermath of Tropical Storm Erika

In the wake of Tropical Storm Erika, Dominica has a mammoth reconstruction task ahead, as it strives to reclaim its reputation as the "Nature Isle" of the Caribbean.

28 August 2015

Uncovering Attempts to Hide Oil's Footprints in Peru

This is the first part of an investigation by Convoca based on more than 1,000 environmental monitoring reports of hydrocarbons and electricity that were archived by three governments in Peru.

Mother Nature Hits ‘Nature Isle’ Dominica Hard With Tropical Storm Erika

"Nature gave the Nature Isle a rough make over" as the first major tropical storm of the 2015 Atlantic hurricane season hit the Caribbean island of Dominica.

18 August 2015

Tianjin Lives Up to Its ‘City Without News’ Nickname After Deadly Blasts

Netizens were shocked that local media aired Korean dramas and cartoons in the immediate wake of the disaster, then followed up with coverage dripping with praise for local authorities.

13 August 2015

After “Grossly Distorting” UN Views on the Internally Displaced Ata-Manobos, the Philippine Military Apologizes

"The community wishes to return to its lands but stressed that they will only feel safe to do so if the long-term militarization of their region comes to an end."

8 August 2015

After 515 Days, Discovered Debris Raises More Questions For Flight 370 Families in China

Contradictions in investigations rekindled frustration among the families of passengers on the missing plane.

7 August 2015

How Social Media Moved People to Act in Flood-Ravaged Myanmar

"This time the flood is being covered minute-by-minute via social media and we can see how authorities have responded, for better or for worse."

Before and After the Bomb: an Interactive Tour of Nagasaki

The Nagasaki Archive is an interactive web tool based on Google Earth that explores Nagasaki - before and after the atomic bombing of August 9th, 1945.

3 August 2015

#NepalQuake: When Human Trafficking Is not Earth-Shattering And More Needs To Be Done

Post-earthquake, an overwhelmed Nepali state struggles to develop a long-term vision to tackle the vultures of human trafficking within and beyond its borders.

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