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· June, 2014

Stories about Science from June, 2014

27 June 2014

These 5 Experts Explain Why Alexander Sodiqov's Arrest in Tajikistan Is So Troubling

Global Voices Advocacy

Civic activists and journalists fear the arrest of Global Voices' Alexander Sodiqov could have worrying consequences on research in Central Asia.

24 June 2014

Could Snowden Be Russia's Alfred Kinsey?

RuNet Echo

If Kinsey’s Big Data could show the reality of human sexual behavior, what might the total disintegration of online privacy reveal about all kinds of political behavior?

French Startup Companies Want to Make Your Home Smarter

Want a smart thermostat to control your home's heating? Or one that is hooked up to the Internet and measures your home's concentration of CO2? French start-ups are on it.

Mapping the 567 Ebola Cases in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone

23 June 2014

Alexander Sodiqov Is Not the First Person to Be Arrested in Tajikistan for Doing His Job

The Tajik government's arrest of Alexander Sodiqov for conducting academic research in Tajikistan's troubled GBAO region echoes the arrest of a BBC journalist in the same country three years ago.

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