

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Survived three attempted gassings at Auschwitz

Senior British politician Michael Howard discusses how the Germans put his Transylvanian-Jewish aunt into an Auschwitz gas chamber on three occasions, but lived to tell the tales.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Lampshade victims skinned alive

This is Labour Party Peer Baroness Golding. When she was a Minister of Parliament, she told the House of Commons on December 12, 1989:

In 1945, a parliamentary delegation was sent from this House to Buchenwald. It was less than three weeks after the allies had liberated that camp. The delegation prepared a report to the House. The final paragraph of it states: In preparing this report, we have endeavoured to write with restraint and objectivity, and to avoid obtruding personal reactions or emotional comments. We would conclude, however, by stating that it is our considered and unanimous opinion, on the evidence available to us, that a policy of steady starvation and inhuman brutality was carried out at Buchenwald for a very long period of time; and that such camps as this mark the lowest point of degradation to which humanity has yet descended. The memory of what we saw and heard at Buchenwald will ineffaceably haunt us for many years. The report was signed by Earl Stanhope, Lord Addison, Colonel Tom Wickham, Sir Archibald Southby, Mrs. Mavis Tate, Mr. Ness Edwards, Mr. Sydney Silverman, Mr. Graham White, Sir Henry Morris-Jones, and Mr. Tom Driberg. My father was a member of that delegation. His name was Ness Edwards. He was the hon. Member for Caerphilly for 29 years. I remember him telling me about the horrors of what went on in that camp. They are engraved for ever on my mind and heart.

There has been much talk tonight about the passage of time. I was but a child on the day when I opened the door to my father on his return. He stood there, grey and drawn, and said, "Do not touch me. I am covered with lice. Everyone in the camps is covered with lice. We have been deloused many times, but I am still covered with lice." He could not sleep for many weeks, and he had nightmares for many years. It is said that Mrs. Mavis Tate never got over what she saw in the camp, for she died a number of years later.

My father spoke to me and to my brothers and sisters about what he had seen in the camp. He told us of the hanging gibbets. Human beings were put on hooks and hung from under their chins until they died. He told us that the people in charge of the camp rather liked tattoos, and they skinned people and used their skins to make lampshades. They discovered that, when people die, their skin is given to shrinking too quickly, so they tried skinning them alive.

"the paranormal evidence" for homicidal gassings

Anti-revisionist and science historian Dr. Michael Shermer doesn't believe in ghosts, nor does he believe that anyone was ever gassed in the Dachau gas chamber, which suggests that he'd probably be a little sceptical of the following evidence presented by paranormal expert Dennis William Hauck:

DACHAU CONCENTRATION CAMP This former concentration camp is located twelve miles (sixteen kilometers) north of Munich outside the town of Dachau. Built in 1933, it was the first Nazi concentration camp and also the site of gruesome medical experiments performed on unwilling prisoners. The experiments measured the effects on the human body of starvation, drinking seawater, malaria, freezing, electricity, and sudden changes in atmospheric pressure. Seven of Dachau's "doctors" were sentenced to death at the Nuremberg trials. In all, more than two hundred thousand prisoners entered Dachau and between thirty thousand and fifty thousand of them died there. By 1940, disposal of dead bodies became a major problem and a crematorium was built on the grounds. By 1942, mass exterminations were taking place on a daily basis and a larger "more efficient" oven had to be added.
In 1943, still another crematorium was built that incorporated a homicidal gas chamber disguised as a large meeting room. It was located in a housing area referred to as "Barracks X" in the Nazi records. Prisoners would be led into the room for a meeting, then the room was sealed and poisonous gas introduced. There were four other gas chambers at Dachau, some of which were connected directly to shower stalls. German historians insist these were used for disinfectant purposes, but the paranormal evidence seems to contradict these claims. Several reports of disembodied screaming, voices shouting "gas," and naked running apparitions originate from these shower stalls. During a recent visit to Dachau, American tourist Dave Goodwin took a photograph in the shower area that appears to show a ghostly figure running out of the showers.

Dennis William Hauck, The International Directory of Haunted Places, Ghostly Abodes, Sacred Sites, and Other Supernatural Locations, NY: Penguin, 2000, p. 114.

Above is a photograph I've taken (slightly cropped) of Goodwin's photograph as reproduced in Hauck's book.

This is the photographer of the Dachau gas chamber ghost, Dave Goodwin, pictured outside Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Goodwin presented evidence in an article written in 2005 that Abu Ghraib is haunted too. He mentions the horrific torture of inmates whilst the prison was run by the Iraqis—no mention of the torture and rape which occurred at Abu Ghraib when it was run by the Americans, i.e. when he was there.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

The gas chamber was full

Construction of the defendant benches for the Belsen trial

Below is an extract from the May 15, 1945 affidavit of Jolan Huldost, which was Exhibit no. 40 at the first Belsen trial.

1. I am aged 25 and a Gypsy. I was arrested in March 1942 and transferred to AUSCHWITZ. I was transferred to RAVENSBRUCK in July 1944 and to BELSEN in March 1945.
2. At Auschwitz I lived in a block adjacent to the gas chamber and I saw thousands of person sent to the gas chamber. I remember in particular one occasion when there was not enough room in the gas chamber and other prisoners were forced to pour petrol over the 300 to 400 people left outside who were then burnt.

UK NA: WO 235-19, part 1

1.2m killed at Auschwitz in just one day

Lieutenant-Colonel Gilbert Mantout of the French Air Force and the French War Crimes Investigation Office spoke with Reuters news agency on August 30, 1945, its subsequent report stated that Mantout "had collected evidence showing that on one day in April 1944 1,200,000 people were liquidated in the various camps of Auschwitz," [a]t least 26,000,000 person were methodically exterminated" in German concentration camps, and "that the figure of 26,000,000 was if anything, well below the actual total of people put to death." "Human bones from the camps were used for raw material for the manufacture of chemical fertilisers, while the fats were turned into soap." The article quoted Mantout as saying: "These are facts about which there is no longer any possibility of doubt." 1

According to this website, Lieutenant-Colonel Gilbert Mantout should be visible in the above photograph of 
General De Gaulle leading the French 2nd Armoured Division along the Champs-Élysées on August 26, 1944.

"a very smooth Jewish lawyer ... a man who has moved in influential circles." 

- Description of Mantout in a British Security Service report dated May 27, 1942

Gilbert Mantout was born in French Algeria during 1907 and the country remained his home until the Second World War. He was a lawyer specialising in maritime insurance cases, but also bred race horses, his horse "Jemmapes" won the Grand Prix de Nice in 1938. He performed his National Service for France in Algeria during 1929/30, and in 1938, at the time of the Munich Crisis, he was again called-up by France, this time opting to join the Air Force for which he subsequently travelled to Bordeaux to train as a pilot. In December 1939 his regiment was dispatched for further training to Rabat in the French protectorate of Morocco, where he was promoted to Lieutenant around May 1940. Despite the Armistice between Germany and France being signed in June 1940, Mantout remained in North Africa until March 1942 when he escaped into British Gibraltar. This cast some suspicion over Mantout's activities during the period, but the British Security Service could find no fault in him, believing his story that prior to his successful escape, twelve previous attempts had all failed. The British were in fact keen to employ Mantout as an agent, although it appears that this never happened.2 From what little information I've been able to discover about his activities during July 1942-1944, he was part the Free French Forces and supposedly a constant shadow of De Gaulle.

Mantout's 26,000,000 figure given to Reuters is reminiscent of the truly enormous figures (20 or 25 million killed at Belzec and Treblinka alone) supposedly thrown about by Kurt Gerstein in his various confessions to the French in April and May of 1945. Which is surely no coincide, as Mantout was the head of the organisation (Organe de Recherche des Criminals de Guerre: ORCG) which interrogated Gerstein, and he was even present during his interrogations, as he admitted decades later to French author Pierre Joffroy:

`Sturmführer Kurt Gerstein, who had been arrested—one might say, at his own request—by the ORCG in Germany, was sent by the Constance section to our Paris headquarters, where he was interrogated before being handed over to the military courts. My attention was drawn to this rather special case, and I remember being present on two occasions when he was questioned. My impression of the man was that he was a mystic in a state of traumatic shock, and desperate because no one, neither the Germans nor the French, would take him seriously. As it were, a discredited Joan of Arc deprived of her funeral pyre.' 
- Gilbert Mantout 3

French researcher Henri Roques in his study of Gerstein's confessions quotes a June 6, 1945 letter written by Mantout which accompanied a transcript of an interrogation of Gerstein dated June 6, 1945 (which Roques denotes as document: "T Va") in which Gerstein states: "I estimate the number of defenseless human beings murdered by Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler at about 20 million." 4

Liberty • Equality • Fraternity 
Presidency of the French Government 
Paris, 6 June 1945 
General Directorate of Studies and Research, (references illegible), Head of the Bureau for the Investigation of War Criminals to Monsieur le Professor Gros, CARLTON GARDENS 4, LONDON
I have the honor to send you herewith the copy of the interrogation by my office of the person concerned: GERSTEIN OF TUBINGEN.
This document will not fail, I believe, to interest you. 
In any event, I leave it in your care to decide whether it should be sent to the WAR CRIMES COMMISSION. 
I am satisfied with the first results obtained by the French teams for investigation of war criminals who are working in Germany, and I inform you that my services are at the present time in possession of 41,000 record cards on war criminals. 

1. "26,000,000 were Liquidated," The Western Daily Press and Bristol Mirror (Bristol, U.K.), Friday, August 31, 1945, p. 1.
2. Report and summaries on Gilbert Mantout all dated 1942, in UK National Archives: HS 9-985-6
3. Pierre Joffroy; Norman Denny (translator), A Spy for God: The Ordeal of Kurt Gerstein, London: Collins, 1971, p. 251.
4. Henri Roques, The Confessions of Kurt Gerstein, Los Angeles, CA: Institute of Historical Review, 1989, p. 64.
5. Ibid., p. 129.