Multinational Risk Governance

National leaders need new approaches to build resilience to critical risks, anticipate potential crises, and respond effectively to major events.

The Global Risk Center gathers best practices from the private sector, government, and science to help codify effective approaches for risk governance and management at the country level and internationally.

National resilience to catastrophic risks, so vital for economic wellbeing and public trust, depends on strategic governance, timely investment, and international cooperation.

New Thinking

A new calculus for disaster mitigation.

Increasingly severe natural catastrophes are absorbing a rising share of government resources that are already strained. The Global Risk Center and its partners are developing strategies to mitigate exposure, increase resilience, and more equitably and effectively underwrite the risks of one-in-10,000-years events that are now occurring more often. 


Reimagining government risk governance.

A recent report by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development catalogs the primary barriers to risk reduction investments, and actions that governments can take to overcome them. 

Click here to purchase the full report:

Full Report

A rising tide of losses for governments that can ill-afford them.

The Global Risk Center is working with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development to map policy solutions and financial structures that will make society more resilient in the face of unpreventable perils.

Who will pay?  In the last decade, losses from severe weather events alone were four times what they were in the 1980s. We’re getting “100-year” storms more often and people are moving in droves to disaster-prone coastal areas — with governments absorbing more of the risk.