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About Varied / Student Ari TaylorFemale/Canada Recent Activity
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Pure Snow by Ari-M1A1
Pure Snow
Uploading this here because I like it quite a bit and it looks so tiny on tumblr you can't really see the details ><
It's my friend's line play avatar ^_^
If you like it I'm thinking about doing some avatar and oc commissions, you can send me a pm here or an ask on my tumblr (for faster response since i only check dA once a month at most ^^) if you are interested in details!
1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 Facts about themselves in their journal.
3. Then Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.


1. I'm a girl!
2. I'm a ginger
3. I dye my hair funky colours
4. I like videogames
5. I'm kinda tall 5'8.5"
6. I like Naruto a lot
7. I write fanfiction in my spare time
8. SasuSaku is my otp
9. I suck at drawing
10. I like kpop!
11. Leeteuk is the cutest ~.^

1.If a person told you they were the best liar on earth, would you believe them?
2.Money or looks?
Looks... Even if someone's rich I can't force myself to be attracted to them... D;
3. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Probably a lot, since they are called wood chucks.
4. If you could choose between a pillow, flash light, or 1,000 tooth pick to fend yourself from zombies, what would you pick?
Flash light so there would be less suspense and they double as a baton.
5. Favorite tv show?
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm not sure, I don't watch a lot of TV........... Todd and the Book of Pure Evil? XD
6. Can you speak languages other than english?
I took Japanese in highschool as well as 1st year Japanese in university.
7. Do you like Koolaid?
Yeah if its really sweet. :3
8. An 8 year old kid kicks you in the nuts/ punches you in the tits(Depends on the gender) with all their might, what do you do?
Probably just glare at them... -.-
9.Are you as sick of answering these questions as I am writing them?
Not really.
10. Red meat or white meat?(TEAM RED MEAT)
I prefer white meat XD
11. Now go fuck yourself, I is free

I tag no one. :3


Ari Taylor
Artist | Student | Varied
My name is Ari and I'm a failure of an art student. c:

My favorite genres of art are scifi and macabre.

I don't post much cause I don't draw much that I think is good enough. But hey, that's why I'm in school.

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Kiatsuu Featured By Owner Aug 26, 2013

I've made a new account. (:
Kiatsuu Featured By Owner Mar 6, 2014
Thanks for the watch. n___n
Skylotic Featured By Owner Aug 4, 2013  Hobbyist Digital Artist
You don't come on anymore ;; 3 ;; Who else is gonna compliment my bad art if you're gone.
Ari-M1A1 Featured By Owner Mar 4, 2014  Student General Artist
Haha I'm sorry! ;v; eventually I'll lurk this website again!
Erica-Roy Featured By Owner Feb 3, 2013
Happy birthday!!!
YES! I'm the first one! slapped
Please have a wonderful life (or as wonderful as you can make it) and keep creating your beautiful works!

I wish you the best in life and keep being you!
SegikuchiKiatsu Featured By Owner Sep 16, 2012  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Thanks for the watch. :><3
Ari-M1A1 Featured By Owner Sep 16, 2012  Student General Artist
You're welcome. I love your dogs! ^_^
SegikuchiKiatsu Featured By Owner Sep 16, 2012  Hobbyist Digital Artist
That gives me motivation. :)
Ari-M1A1 Featured By Owner Sep 16, 2012  Student General Artist
I'm happy to hear that, that's awesome! ^_^
(1 Reply)
Skylotic Featured By Owner Jul 8, 2012  Hobbyist Digital Artist
I got a nice big plate of tagged for you! [link]
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