The case against script loaders

As a quickie follow-up to yesterday’s post “LABjs: script loading the way it ‘should’ be”, I want to address some concerns that are regularly cited as weaknesses of, and arguments against, script loaders in general (not just LABjs). Prosecution This has been said many times before, by the likes of Steve Souders and other greats, […]

On Script Loaders

Comment Two recent projects have come out that attempt to address the “dynamic script loader” use case: HeadJS and ControlJS. Since I’m the creator of LABjs, a general, all-purpose, performance-oriented dynamic script loader that’s been around for about a year and a half now, and is well-known enough to be in use on several major […]

Mozilla & LABjs… part 2

This post is the immediate “part 2” follow-up to Mozilla & LABjs: the story unfolds. Definitely read that before proceeding to read here. As I mentioned at the beginning of that previous post, I am writing to address the points raised in the comment by the Mozilla developer who was responsible for the change in […]