Dragon Quest Heroes and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 coming to Steam in December

Square Enix will bring hack-and-slash adventure Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below and role-playing game Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 to Steam this December, the publisher confirmed today.

Dragon Quest Heroes, which was released exclusively on PlayStation 4 in North America, hits Steam Dec. 3. Square Enix is selling a "Digital Slime Edition" of the game that includes 11 slime-themed weapons. The game, developed by Dynasty Warriors team Omega Force, piles dozens of enemies and delivers a hefty amount of Dragon Quest fan service in an original, action-focused adventure. For more on Dragon Quest Heroesread Polygon's review.

Lightning Returns wraps up the Final Fantasy 13 trilogy on Steam Dec. 10. The Windows PC version includes some of the game's downloadable content, including outfits for Lightning based on Final Fantasy characters Cloud and Yuna, as well as clothing based on 2013's Tomb Raider. A full list of DLC included in the Steam version is available at the game's product page.

For more on Lightning Returnsread Polygon's review and check out the Steam launch trailer below.

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