The Washington Post

'Battlefront' feels massive yet most of its modes wind up feeling like chores.

As he picks up his 2015 International Press Freedom Award this week, Zunar also sits with Comic Riffs to talk about his commitment to fighting on amid his trial.

'Cibele' sets a new course for video games as a medium for telling short, intimate, personal stories.



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Upon Comic Riffs’ 7th birthday, here are our favorite quotes to celebrate comics

Upon Comic Riffs' 7th birthday, here are our favorite quotes that celebrate comics, animation -- and the artists who make them.

Iranian artist Farghadani, who drew parliament as animals, sentenced to 12-plus years

Iranian political artist Atena Farghadani received a nearly 13-year sentence after depicting members of parliament as animals.

Sketchbook: Still counting the (311) days of injustice for The Post’s Jason Rezaian

Sketchbook: As the closed trial for Post Tehran correspondent Jason Rezaian begins, Comic Riffs continues our visual countdown for justice.

No Marvel screen project prior has provided such gritty thrills. The new 'Jessica Jones' even seduces the viewer to stick around for the rest of the Netflix slate.

Krysten Ritter may not have seen herself as a superhero actor. But now the world will -- and she couldn't be happier about it.

"I didn't know whether Luke Cage was black, white or whatever," Mike Colter says of the role that will involve him in at least four forthcoming screen projects.

From Charlie Hebdo to a French illustrator's viral "Peace for Paris" image, cartoonists have reacted to attacks using depictions both peaceful and vengeful.

Here is The Post's first short story told entirely through Instagram illustrations. Ahead of Thanksgiving, we encourage you to share your art with us. Here's how.

Play "Fallout 4" for ten hours and the game will likely feel underwhelming. Play it for fifty then see if you can stop yourself from playing it for fifty more.

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About Comic Riffs

Michael Cavna gets his geek on, covering everything from cartoons to comic culture.

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