The Washington Post

Wednesday, I had the honor and pleasure of participating in the oral argument in the Rick Perry case before the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, on behalf of amici from the left, the right, and points in between.

The D.C. Circuit denies a request to reconsider its stay of an injunction against the federal government's metadata collection program.

The brief cites a discredited statistic about the George H.W. Bush administration's "Family Fairness" policy.



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Donald Trump calls for requiring all Muslims in the U.S. to register. "[I]t’s all about management," he says. "Our country has no management."

When may the government restrict speech to clients by lawyers, doctors, veterinarians, psychiatrists and others?

After consulting with its general counsel, the university acknowledged that the exclusion of the media 'likely violated the First Amendment and Kansas open meetings laws.'

The Obama administration seeks Supreme Court review of the injunction blocking implementation of the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program.

The Second Amendment was enacted to safeguard against the English practice of denying arms rights to Catholics.

A roundup of what's been going on with my new book "Lawless" over the past two weeks or so.

In both 1995 and 2015, Princeton student protesters took over the university president's office. In 1995, the university president refused to meet with the protesters while they occupied his office. In 2015, the university president negotiated with the students in his office and signed an agreement promising to take steps toward satisfying their demands -- and then thanked the students for their willingness to work with him.

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