The Washington Post

John Gallagher, a Canadian veteran, died in Syria fighting against the Islamic State.

The strike was launched by an A-10 attack plane on March 13 near Al Hatra, a city in northern Iraq.

"Sea Wars: The Ike Awakens," just debuted on YouTube.



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The American troops helped move hostages who escaped to safe places, a U.S. official said.

His attorneys challenged parole conditions for former defense worker, who is widely admired in Israel.

Defectors from the militant group describe a highly controlled media operation with choreographed violence.

Two years after the revelations, there’s a debate over how much they changed the way terrorists operate.

'I’m prepared to give my life in the cause of averting the disaster we are stumbling towards as a civilization,' John Gallagher once wrote.

Gen. John Campbell, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, said he has 'no issue if our young soldiers say they’re in combat.'

Get ready for a world where big data drives decisions, where lasers replace bullets, the planes fly without pilots, and robots are the first line of attack.

But the administration shows no signs of changing its stance that no new legislation is needed.

Hollande will visit Washington and Moscow to press for coordinated actions against the Islamic State.

Master Sgt. Joshua Wheeler was killed during a Delta Force raid to free prisoners of the Islamic State.

Were the Paris attackers' weapons once decommissioned?

In a new interview, Bill Simmons asked Obama what the most entertaining conspiracy theory he ever read about himself was, and he didn't hesitate in answering.

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