How to Join PubMed Commons

To be eligible to use PubMed Commons, you must be an author of a publication in PubMed. You will need an invitation to join PubMed Commons and an NCBI account. This is free of charge.

Once you are a member of PubMed Commons, you will be able to invite other eligible authors to join. For more details on how to do that, see the Invitation Instructions.

You may be able to invite yourself

E-mail addresses of eligible authors have been collected from the NIH, the Wellcome Trust and authors’ email addresses in PubMed and PubMed Central. Check to see if your active email address is on this list.


Ask a colleague to invite you

If you have a colleague who is already in the system, ask them to send you an invitation. Otherwise, some of your colleagues should be able to invite themselves – and then they will be able to invite you.

Another alternative is to organize a group from your academic institution. For more details, see the FAQ.