Online Store

California legislative history research is comprised primarily of separate research sources, e.g., governor files, committee files, bill versions, author's files, partisan caucus files, etc. The availability of the research sources varies widely, depending on the year of enactment and other factors. Our Online Store does not offer to provide all publically available sources of legislative history for each bill; although, we are happy to report that in many instances it does. If you require such certainty up front, consider our Custom or Core Reports. 

See our Terms & Conditions for other important disclosures about our Online Store reports.

Every regular session California bill that became law from 1943 through 2010 is covered in this part of our unique, groundbreaking database. No other service offers this comprehensive coverage. While the number of available files varies per bill, we provide one or more sources of legislative history for every bill that passed.

Selected, regular session California bills that became law from 2011 to current are covered in this part of our database. Because it consists of files from our precompiled legislative histories, multiple files are provided for each bill. If your bill is not found, consider our Custom or Core reports, or contact us.

Report Fees & Features

  • $50 per file, $275 max (even if there are more than five files)
  • Each file is authenticated, citing to its source and LRI as the provider
  • See our Terms & Conditions for important disclosure information

Ordering Information

  • If you already know which bill added your terms of interest, you can search the store immediately. For bills from 1943-2010, search by Statute Year and either the Chapter or Bill. For bills from 2011-Current, you can only search by Year and Bill, not by Chapter.
  • If you need help figuring out which act added your terms of interest, we provide detailed instructions here. Of course, you can always contact us directly, and we would be happy to help.


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