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Legends Voice Packs

Legends ships with only one player voice available, female1. Installing voicepacks expands the list, giving you more choices and new voice playbacks, and adds more chatbind menu tree selections. If you are playing online and notice many chatbinds going by but you do not hear anything, and when you press the tilde key (~) and see errors locating voice files, you need these voicepacks.

The voicepacks for Legends:

* Ret VoicePack (mirror 1) (mirror 2) (Forum thread) re-uploaded by bakerdude.

* Bilo's All in One OS Tribe VoicePack re-uploaded by bakerdude.

* [DA]Planeswalker created a chat .cs file (gives a new chatmenu option in the dropdown box in settings) that combines usage of available chatbinds from both of these packs across multiple voices, making use of .40's null voice capability. Multivoice Chat Menu forum thread - download attachment within thread, placing it in \Legends\legends\scripts\client.

old voicepacks for Legends (broken links):

* jVoicePack T1 (Forum thread) Tribes 1 voices by jSlice.

* KnochenT2 (Forum thread) Tribes 2 voices by Knochensage.

* Ret VoicePack

* Bilo's OS Tribe VoicePack

[DA]Planeswalker created a chat .cs file (gives a new chatmenu option in the dropdown box in settings) that combines usage of available chatbinds from both of these packs across multiple voices, making use of .40's null voice capability. Multivoice Chat Menu forum thread - download attachment within thread, placing it in \Legends\legends\scripts\client.

addons/voicepacks/voicepack.txt · Last modified: 2010/10/10 15:58 by TerroX