Hi this is Marin - the author of Touch Code Magazine, I hope you are enjoying my tutorials and articles. Also if you need a bright iPhone developer overseas contact me - I do contract work. Here's my LinkedIn profile
How to upload an app to the App Store with XCode 4

Last year when Apple introduced the AppLoader application I did a post on how to upload your app to App Store using it (here); since this post gets quite a lot of hits I thought it was about time to post how to upload to the App Store using XCode4.

Create a new application in iTunes connect

First go to iTunes connect and login with your developer account.

Go to “Manage your Applications” and click “Add new App”; fill in your new application’s details, like so:

Hopefully you already have your app coded and tested, and ready to upload to the app store. Make sure you have the same Bundle ID in your Info.plist file and in the app record in iTunes Connect.

Go in your app’s details page and choose “Ready to Upload Binary” button.

Let’s upload the app bundle.

Uploading to the App Store with XCode 4

From the top-left drop down choose the Scheme you want to build and the iOS device (or if you have a device connected the name of the device will be displayed in the list)

Now from the menu choose “Product” and then “Archive…”

XCode will clean automatically the project and do a build:

then it will archive the application:

and when it’s finished the Organizer will pop-up (if it does not choose from the menu – “Window” then “Organizer”)

Now your application is archived – you can share the IPA with a beta tester, submit to the App Store, etc.

Let’s submit to the App store for review: Click on the “Submit…” button – a popup appears asking for your developer credentials (enter the same user and pass you usually use for iTunes connect):

Click “Next” and you will see 2 drop lists – the first shows you all your apps which are in state “Waiting for upload” – pick the app your are uploading right now, the second shows you all the available certificates to sign the IPA – choose your distribution certificate:

When you choose those two and click Next the upload process starts (yes, XCode 4 does everything for you inside the IDE):

When the upload finishes you get a confirmation that your app has been validated and there were no issues and it will be passed on for further review to the App Review team. And that’s all folks!

I must say the process using XCode 4 is much better than anything we had in the past and I personally like it very much. Good luck with your submits and if you liked the post share it and leave a comment.

The post was originally published on the following URL: http://www.touch-code-magazine.com/how-to-upload-an-app-to-the-app-store-with-xcode-4/




Marin Todorov

is an independent iOS developer and publisher. He's got more than 18 years of experience in a dozen of languages and platforms. This is his writing project.
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  1. Paul on Monday 11, 2011

    Hi there, once you submitted your app, how you now if it is approved or not?
    Greetings! great article!

  2. Marin on Monday 11, 2011

    Hey Paul,

    for me usually takes about a week to get in “In review” state and then about a day to get approved.
    Basically when your app gets approved (or rejected) you get an email from iTunes about app state change.
    If it’s approved the app is in state “Processing for App Store” for just a bit (few hours max) and then it’s live! Woohoo!

    best, Marin

  3. frankmail007 on Monday 11, 2011

    Mine is always stuck in “Your application is being uploaded”. The progress bar is not moving at all. (My validating is successful).

  4. Marin on Monday 11, 2011

    If the app validates but the upload does not progress it sounds like something in your network would prevent Xcode from connection to iTunes … Maybe try the wifi in a friend’s house or look into your router’s config? That never happened to me actually

  5. Taylor on Monday 11, 2011

    How do i register for itunes connect??

  6. Marin on Monday 11, 2011

    Hey Taylor,

    go to this page: http://developer.apple.com/programs/register/
    You’ll have to register for the iOS Development Program, pay the annual 99$ subscription and fill in some details, but all in all is not hard. Good luck


  7. Uwe on Monday 11, 2011

    Currently I’m going nuts trying to figure out how this works in conjunction with MonoTouch. If someone knows an answer, I’m very happy :-)

  8. Marin on Monday 11, 2011

    Hey Uwe, I never touched the thing so no I idea … Why don’t you use Xcode/Objective-c – it all just works :)

  9. Aaron on Monday 11, 2011

    I have my application waiting to upload in iTunes Connect. I’m very new to all of this, and no website I could find could explain to me how to upload the project itself. I’m sure they are correct, I just don’t understand them! I know little terminology, and I am just so confused. If you could help me, that would be great.

  10. Marin on Monday 11, 2011

    I am sure there’s a load of sites with instructions on how to upload your app to iTunes Connect. This very post you commented takes you through the process step by step just give it a read, best Marin

  11. Aaron on Monday 11, 2011

    But when I try to press submit or validate, Xcode crashes. And I have no clue why.

  12. Marin on Monday 11, 2011

    Aaron, I think your problem is in Xcode’s installation if that happens. What I did was to delete all the beta versions from my hard-drive, download the 4.2 from Apple’s web site and make a clean install … I hope that helps, good luck

  13. teeming on Monday 11, 2011

    Just wanna say you done a great job. Excellent tutorial !!

    It helps me a lot of time.

  14. Bojana Radovanovic on Monday 11, 2011


    I have a magazine and would like to publish it in app store like other magazines did.
    What should I do, I have an account on itunes but I need more info for creating and uploading process.

  15. Marin on Monday 11, 2011

    this articles covers normal apps … for a magazine app you should develop a newsstand application, and publishing is a bit different. There’s 2 excellent chapters on the topic in iOS5 By Tutorials by my co-author Steve : http://www.touch-code-magazine.com/the-most-extensive-book-on-ios5-yet-ios5-by-tutorials/

  16. alex on Monday 11, 2011

    thanks a lot …………

  17. Devaski on Monday 11, 2011

    Yes, it keeps blank uploading. If Xcode is protected through firewall or ip protector like little snitch.

    Allow the connection from Xcode. It works.

  18. j238 on Monday 11, 2011

    Thanks for the clear write-up.

    I went to the archive in the organizer and it was empty. Have to look into why that is.

  19. Mitko on Monday 11, 2011

    Добър ден ! Искам да си направя апликация и да я сложа в Appstore. Новак съм и не разбирам от правене на апликации, може ли да ми обясниш с кои програми се правят “качествените” апликации. Вторият ми въпрос е как може да се сложи Апликация в Аpple store, в смисъл трябва ли да се плаща дори и за добавяне и на безплатна апликация и също така дали може да се направи апликация на Windows XP ? Благодаря много, чакам отговор.. :)

  20. Marin on Monday 11, 2011

    iPhone applications are developed on an up to date mac, using the Xcode IDE (which comes for free from Apple) and the Objective-C language. You will have to be well versed in Objective-C if you are willing to release “quality” apps. To do app development you’ll need to enroll for the iOS developer program (https://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/) and have actual devices to test on (like an iPhone, iPad, etc)
    If you have no idea about programming / apple technologies here you can find a very detailed beginners guide to building several simple applications called “The iOS Apprentice Series” : http://www.touch-code-magazine.com/iOS5ByTutorials

    Good luck!
    best, Marin

  21. Felipe Medeiros B. on Monday 11, 2011


    Great info. here.

    Could you give some info. or go a little deeper on how the contracts for your App work?

    Thanks, best regards.

  22. Sundeep on Monday 11, 2011

    Gr8 Article,But where can we provide those 4 screen shots of the app which are published with every app on the store??


  23. raj on Monday 11, 2011

    thankz for the gr8 tuto..

  24. Kalmne on Monday 11, 2011


    I have published my app on last 12,Sep,2012
    On this date it is “Waiting to Upload”…
    and I am waiting to see if I get “In review” as Marin I will be waiting…then approved.


  25. Marin on Monday 11, 2011

    If your app status is “Waiting for upload” it means that you need to upload your app to iTunes connect as described in the article. When you do that than the status will be “Waiting for review”.

  26. kevin on Monday 11, 2011

    Hi I’m a newbie, just want to ask and make sure if it is possible to build a flash based app and upload it in the app store using windows. Is there any tutorial on how to upload it using windows? thanks

  27. Marin on Monday 11, 2011

    Hi kevin, I don’t use Flash or Windows, so – can’t really help you there. Marin

  28. Wing on Monday 11, 2011

    If Code Signing Error comes out, what should I do?

    >>>>>Code Sign error: No unexpired provisioning profiles found that contain any of the keychain’s signing certificates

    Please help me. Thanks.

  29. Jhany on Monday 11, 2011

    NEEED HELP….!!!!! I heard of some code signing or codesigning tht able us to download paid apps for widout jailbreak. Can pla any1 help plz plz

  30. Marin on Monday 11, 2011

    You are posting to the wrong web site pal :)