A psicoterapia analítico-comportamental de adultos é um tipo de prestação de serviço destinada ao enfrentamento de problemas que geram sofrimento humano, tendo se desenvolvido substancialmente nas últimas décadas como parte da Análise... more
A psicoterapia analítico-comportamental de adultos é um tipo de prestação de serviço destinada ao enfrentamento de problemas que geram sofrimento humano, tendo se desenvolvido substancialmente nas últimas décadas como parte da Análise Clínica Comportamental. Nesse contexto, a apresentação de estudos de casos clínicos sistematicamente faz-se essencial para o aprimoramento de repertórios do terapeuta, enquanto uma das metodologias utilizadas para a produção de conhecimento científico e treinamento profissional. Em função da escassez de literatura analítico-comportamental sobre “ciúme”, principalmente com evidências empíricas, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi relatar a experiência de uma graduanda de Psicologia diante do atendimento clínico de um caso com comportamento emocional ciumento a partir de trabalhos teórico-empíricos recentes na área. O procedimento foi composto de quatro etapas: Rapport, Linha de Base, Intervenção e Avaliação. Os comportamentos relacionados ao “ciúme” apresentaram menores taxas de respostas ao final do processo terapêutico quando comparadas às apresentadas inicialmente, de acordo com o relato da cliente, com emissão de CRB2 e Os2. Experienciou-se que os princípios básicos da Análise do Comportamento embasam os fundamentos técnicos essenciais às intervenções circunscritas à Terapia Analítico-Comportamental e à Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional, sendo primordial no preparo profissional do psicólogo ao observar comportamentos do cliente, conceitualizar o caso clínico, planejar intervenções no instrumental da abordagem e aplicá-las genuinamente.
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ABSTRAK Studi literature ini bertujuan untuk melihat secara empiris hubungan antara penanaman nilai-nilai religious, kekerasan seksual pada anak-anak dan pembentukan generasi yang sehat berkualitas. Pembentukan generasi yang sehat... more
Studi literature ini bertujuan untuk melihat secara empiris hubungan antara penanaman nilai-nilai religious, kekerasan seksual pada anak-anak dan  pembentukan generasi yang sehat berkualitas.  Pembentukan generasi yang sehat berkualitas merupakan suatu keharusan yang tidak bisa ditawar dan ditunda lagi, karena hal ini diyakini sebagai asset yang tak ternilai harganya untuk kemajuan dan keunggulan suatu bangsa dan peradaban. Salah satu aspek yang berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan generasi sehat berkualitas adalah kekerasan seksual yang terjadi pada anak-anak. KPAI (Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia) menyatakan terdapat 925 kasus pelecehan seksual pada anak, dan dari 925 kasus pelecehan seksual tersebut 400 kasus diantaranya diikuti oleh kekerasan seksual pertahunnya. Sementara, Komnaspa (komisi Nasional Perlindungan Anak) mengatakan bahwa dari tahun 2010 sampai dengan triwulan pertama 2014 terdapat 10725 kasus dan 62% atau sekitar 6649 kasus dikuti oleh kekerasan seksual terhadap anak. Dampak dari kekerasan seksual ini antara lain berupa fisik, psikologis, maupun sosial (Orange & Brodwin, 2005), serta berhubungan dengan kecemasan, stress pasca-traumatis (PTSD), depresi, self-esteem yang rendah, keluhan yang bersifat somatis, agresi, perilaku seksual, dan perilaku yang cenderung merusak diri (Robert et al. 2003; Messman-Moore, 2000; Dinwiddie et al. 2000; Kendall-Tackett et al, 1993), termasuk juga  membenci lawan jenis dan memiliki keinginan untuk balas dendam (Dube et al., 2005). Fuadi (2011) menjelaskan bahwa faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya kekerasan seksual adalah  kelalaian orang tua, rendahnya moralitas dan mentalitas pelaku, dan faktor ekomoni. Hal yang berhubungan dengan rendahnya moralitas dan mentalitas pelaku kekerasan seksual berhubungan dengan penanaman nilai-nilai religious. Penanaman nilai-nilai religious sejak dini dapat mengantisipasi terjadinya tindakan kekerasan seksual terhadap anak dan dapat menjadi benteng yang kuat untuk menjaga dan membentuk generasi yang sehat berkualitas.

Kata kunci: kekerasan seksual, anak-anak, generasi sehat berkualitas, nilai-nilai   
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Euthanasia is ethically, religiously, and legally charged topic. Health care professionals should integrate spiritual aspects in their decision making regarding euthanasia while dealing with muslim patients. The purpose of this paper is... more
Euthanasia is ethically, religiously, and legally charged topic. Health care professionals should integrate spiritual aspects in their decision making regarding euthanasia while dealing with muslim patients. The purpose of this paper is to examine the Islami view for the concept of euthanasia and its permissiblility in Islam, while discussing different ethical and legal aspects that may affect the perspectives of muslims regarding euthanasia. Active euthanasia is prohibited in Islam. This view is strongly supported by laws and ethical princiles in Islamic communites. However, administering analgesic agents that might shorten the patient’s life, with the purpose of relieving the physical pain is accepted, because it is not aimed at killing. On the other hand, negative euthanasia is never accepted. However, withdrawing a futile treatment and allowing death to take its natural course for persons who are already died is acceptable. In this situation, the patient is already dead, and there is no use of keeping life supporting instruments. It is highly recommended for all health care professionals who are providing care for muslim patients to carefully consider the Islamic perspective regarding euthanasia.
Keywords: Euthanasia, Analysis, Concept, Islam, Perception, Law, Ethic
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Revisión del segundo vector de producción de sentido de la teoría de la Electronalidad de Biondi y Zapata: el privilegio de la metonimia. Se explora su relación con las asociaciones por contigüidad del procesamiento propio a la mente... more
Revisión del segundo vector de producción de sentido de la teoría de la Electronalidad de Biondi y Zapata: el privilegio de la metonimia. Se explora su relación con las asociaciones por contigüidad del procesamiento propio a la mente autista.
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“Biblioterapia es la prescripción de materiales de lectura que auxilien a desenvolverse en forma natural y nutran y mantengan la salud mental. Se incluye romances, poesías, filosofía, ética, religión, arte, historia, libros científicos”.... more
“Biblioterapia es la prescripción de materiales de lectura que auxilien a desenvolverse en forma natural y nutran y mantengan la salud mental. Se incluye romances, poesías, filosofía, ética, religión, arte, historia, libros científicos”. (Alice Bryan, 2001).
La biblioterapia es vista como un proceso interactivo, resultando en una integración bien sucedida de valores y acciones.
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The concept of projective identification, significant in psychodynamic theory and therapy, is often presented in ways that reflect the confusions endemic within clinical theory. These confusions are especially apt to accompany discussions... more
The concept of projective identification, significant in psychodynamic theory and therapy, is often presented in ways that reflect the confusions endemic within clinical theory. These confusions are especially apt to accompany discussions where a disposition or emotion is treated as a substance that can be moved from one place to another rather than as an aspect of a relationship.
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Der er et meget højt sammenfald mellem disse to fænomener - dette beskrives i denne korte oversigt.
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Om skolefobi/skolevægring:
Hvad er det? Hvordan "diagnosticerer" man det? Hvad kan man gøre ved det?
Inkl. et afsnit om autisme.
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Sur base d'une analyse des récits de patients psychotiques hospitalisés sous contrainte, l'auteur cherche à faire des ponts entre l'expérience extraordinaire de la psychose et le quotidien d'un homme ordinaire. En rapprochant... more
Sur base d'une analyse des récits de patients psychotiques hospitalisés sous contrainte, l'auteur cherche à faire des ponts entre l'expérience extraordinaire de la psychose et le quotidien d'un homme ordinaire. En rapprochant paradoxalement par ce travail ces deux populations, l'auteur vise à utiliser le tranchant des manifestations psychotiques pour éclairer les déviances de tout un chacun.
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Knowledge of ethical legal standards and policy is a foundational competency in professional psychology, and a required benchmark of APA-accredited doctoral-level graduate training. Students must demonstrate knowledge of the APA Ethical... more
Knowledge of ethical legal standards and policy is a foundational competency in professional psychology, and a required benchmark of APA-accredited doctoral-level graduate training.  Students must demonstrate knowledge of the APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct (APA Ethics Code), as well as awareness of legal and regulatory issues in the practice of psychology.  Our project is an exploratory analysis of entry-level doctoral trainees’ evaluations of the APA Ethics Code.  In our preliminary study, we identified patterns in trainees’ ratings of the most and least important ethical standards.  We hypothesized that some standards would be considered more or less important than others.

Participants were entry-level Clinical Psychology graduate students (18 to 40 per quarter, Mdn = 32) in a mandatory introductory professional development course.  Students completed weekly online discussions in which they responded to one of two prompts.  For three quarters, during the first week of classes, we collected students' responses (N = 87) for one specific prompt:

What is the most important standard listed in the APA Ethics Code? Why is it the most important? What is the least important standard…? Why…?

Of those who responded (71%), most participants clearly identified a most (100%) and least (86%) important general ethical standard (GES).  The most important GES was Standard 3: Human Relations (37%) and the least important GES was Standard 5: Advertising and Public Statements (30%).  Students also identified the most and least important specific standards as 3.04: Avoiding Harm (13%) and 9.11: Maintaining Test Security (11%).  One-sample chi-square tests revealed the proportions were different from one another at the statistically significant level, X2 (7, N = 87) = 94.98, p = .00 and X2 (9, N = 75) = 74.2, p = .00.
Our preliminary findings suggest that even before beginning their formal curricula and training, entry-level doctoral students assess and weigh the importance of ethical standards as different from one another.  Students’ predisposed evaluations may potentially impact their ethical orientation and/or practice within academic, research, and clinical training.  Future studies will assess students’ qualitative rationale for these evaluations and whether that changes as they advance in the doctoral program.
To examine whether self-stigma of seeking psychological help and being male would be associated with an increased likelihood of having an undiagnosed eating disorder. A multi-national sample of 360 individuals with diagnosed eating... more
To examine whether self-stigma of seeking psychological help and being male would be associated with an increased likelihood of having an undiagnosed eating disorder. A multi-national sample of 360 individuals with diagnosed eating disorders and 125 individuals with undiagnosed eating disorders were recruited. Logistic regression was used to identify variables affecting the likelihood of having an undiagnosed eating disorder, including sex, self-stigma of seeking psychological help, and perceived stigma of having a mental illness, controlling for a broad range of covariates. Being male and reporting greater self-stigma of seeking psychological help were independently associated with an increased likelihood of being undiagnosed. Further, the association between self-stigma of seeking psychological help and increased likelihood of being undiagnosed was significantly stronger for males than for females. Perceived stigma associated with help-seeking may be a salient barrier to treatment for eating disorders – particularly among male sufferers.
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