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Data shared through the AmeriFlux Network, and globally through FLUXNET, offer a unique tool to answering scientific questions across different spatial and temporal scales. This is only possible through the collective effort of individuals making measurements at their own sites, and taking extra effort to share the data. Enabling answers to these kinds of questions is motivation enough… More

Martin Beland (at Laval University, Canada) just sent us the white paper he co-wrote with Geoffrey Parker, David Harding, Chris Hopkinson, Laura Chasmer, and Alexander Antonarakis. Thanks from the community to the authors! See AmeriFlux Reports. “Our aim is to inform the AmeriFlux community on existing and upcoming LiDAR technologies (atmospheric Doppler or Raman LiDAR often deployed at flux… More

From the AmeriFlux-Community listserv. Thanks to Joydeep Bhattacharjee for asking, and David for this answer Joydeep: How do PIs across the network protect their equipment on towers against damage from lighting? David:  This question ought to unleash a flood of information and opinions, since lightning protection of sensitive instruments is a black art, similar to… More

What is Our Method?

(Dennis Baldocchi, author.) I have a new graduate student who is taking introductory classes with a diverse group of environmental science students. In their discussions, they are comparing how each one does their science. So in our weekly discussions, the question came back to me as to “What is our Method?” This is a good… More

Three AmeriFlux scientists were recent recipients of awards from the American Meteorological Society THE CLARENCE LEROY MEISINGER AWARD Ankur Desai For innovative contributions toward improving the observation and modeling of biosphere-atmosphere exchanges across a range of spatial and temporal scales. THE CHARLES E. ANDERSON AWARD José Fuentes For outstanding, sustained efforts to promote diversity in… More

Several activities at AGU Fall 2015 for members of the AmeriFlux Community. Especially fun for this year: AmeriFlux Town Hall to kick off the AmeriFlux Network’s 20th Anniversary! That’s on Thursday, Dec 17, 12:30 – 1:30PM, Moscow West – 2004. Send info on sessions and activities to include in list below to We’ll also… More

Yue, X., N. Unger, T. F. Keenan, X. Zhang, and C. S. Vogel. 2015. Probing the past 30-year phenology trend of US deciduous forests. Biogeosciences 12:4693-4709. doi:10.5194/bg-12-4693-2015 “Phenology is experiencing dramatic changes over deciduous forests in the USA. Estimates of trends in phenology on the continental scale are uncertain, however, with studies failing to agree on… More

The 8th Colorado Flux Course (#fluxcourse; was recently convened up at Niwot Ridge, Colorado. Twenty-five students from across the US and globe came to hear lectures on eddy covariance, flux instrumentation, leaf cuvette systems, land surface modeling, remote sensing and data fusion modeling.  Students also toured the Niwot Ridge AmeriFlux site (US-NR1) and visited NEON…. More

Evapotranspiration based on equilibrated relative humidity (ETRHEQ): Evaluation over the continental U.S. From Water Resources Research 51(4),2951-2973, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/2014WR016072. Copyright (2015) American Geophysical Union. Guido Salvucci’s group at Boston University are avid users of AmeriFlux data. There is a new paper in Water Resources Research that explores a way to estimate watershed scale evaporation…. More

Lianhong Gu’s book review on Terrestrial Biosphere-Atmosphere Fluxes (2014), by Russell Monson and Dennis Baldocchi, is now available at ESA 2015, Book Review, Ecology 96:1736: “Fluxes as functions of ecosystems and drivers of atmosphere.” Read the review at “Monson and Baldocchi, two accomplished researchers and admired educators, masterfully incorporate real equations into a scientific storytelling… More

If you missed the 2015 AmeriFlux Data and Tech Workshop, you can now view videos of several presentations from the workshop online. These presentation may be of use to AmeriFlux tower teams, AmeriFlux data users, and anyone with interest in flux, meteorological, and BADM data. Follow the links below to watch the presentation videos. See… More