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Captain America

The Original Captain America Returns

Nick Spencer and Jesus Saiz restore the Sentinel of Liberty in Captain America: Steve Rogers!

As the saying goes, you can’t keep a good man down—especially Steve Rogers, the original Captain America.

When the villainous Iron Nail removed the Super-Soldier Serum from his body, Steve Rogers aged into an old man, putting him on the sidelines and passing his shield to the former Falcon, Sam Wilson. But following the events of the upcoming Standoff event, Rogers will once again fight on the frontlines as Captain America, with a new shield, a new mission, and a brand new comic, Captain America: Steve Rogers.

The creative team of Nick Spencer and Jesus Saiz shared what they could about Steve Rogers’ return to active duty, as well as what it means for his longtime partner and the current Captain America, Sam Wilson.

Marvel.com:  Although Steve Rogers hasn’t really left the stage, we have seen him in a different role in both the current CAPTAIN AMERICA: SAM WILSON title and in UNCANNY AVENGERS; the role of an older general advising the troops. What changes for Steve to bring him back to the “front lines,” so to speak?  

Nick Spencer: Without spoiling too much of Standoff at this early date, something happens that restore Steve to full vigor, which will obviously greatly impact his own mission and his standing within the Marvel Universe. The biggest part of that? He's Captain America once again. 

Marvel.com:  What does Steve’s return mean for his former partner? Will Sam Wilson go back to being the Falcon, or will we have two Captain Americas?

Nick Spencer: It means we'll have two Captain Americas. When Steve handed the shield to Sam, it didn’t come with any caveats. It’s his. Steve respects and admires what his old partner is doing, and wants him to carry on. There are enough problems out there, and enough bad guys, to keep both of them busy. They’ll have very different missions; Sam will continue fighting the battles no one else will go near, while Steve is faced with a resurgent threat from his past: Hydra is back, and stronger than ever. 

For me, it’s great, because I get to tell two very different kinds of Captain America stories. If you’re liking what we’re doing in CAPTAIN AMERICA: SAM WILSON, with a more topical, of-the-moment take, we’ve got a lot more of that coming your way; but if you’re looking for that classic, timeless version, the one that’s steeped in the Greatest Generation with Cap fighting the face of true evil, now we’ve got that for you as well. I think they’ll complement each other nicely.  

Marvel.com: Why is now the right time for Steve to pick up a shield again?  

Nick Spencer: The country is as divided as it’s ever been, and Steve is one of a kind; he’s a unifying figure, someone we can all look up to, [and] someone we can all put our faith in. It’s no secret the Marvel Universe is about to enter a period of serious conflict with Civil War II looming on the horizon, and as such, it feels like the perfect moment to bring Steve back into fighting shape. 

Marvel.com:  From a character design perspective, Jesus, what should we expect from the new title? Will we be seeing “classic” Cap? And can you both talk about the “new shield” I’ve heard about—what will it look like?

Jesus Saiz: Cap’s redesign has actually been created by the magnificent Daniel Acuña, and it truly is an incredible design. It’s very modern, and at the same time perfectly identifiable as Captain America at first glance. It has all the classic elements you’d expect to find in the character’s suit, but updated in a very clever way.

And the greatest part [is] the shield, indeed! Its shape is similar to the original shield Cap had back in the 1940’s, the pointy one, but this one has two main innovations: its tip can deploy an “energy blade” so Cap can cut into things, and the shield can be divided in two, so Steve can use both halves, one with each arm. Both modifications will help us see a completely different set of moves for Captain America, moves that we [have] never seen Steve use before, in terms of hand-to-hand combat.

I know that changes in the design of a classic character’s suit are always controversial among fans, but I’m convinced they’ll all fall in love with Dan’s work!

      Nick Spencer: Tom [Brevoort, Marvel’s Senior Vice President, Executive Editor] and I talked a lot about the new shield; we’re both fans of the classic Golden Age shield, and this new design Daniel did really captures that vibe, while also introducing some cool new features. As we open, Steve will be on the attack, taking the fight to the enemy, and this new shield will help him do that. 

      Marvel.com:  I also hear that Steve has a new mission and team with him. What will Steve be doing, and who will he be working with?

      Nick Spencer: While some of these are details we have to hold on to for now, Steve still has Sharon Carter at his side, not to mention a couple of other faces from his past that make very fun additions to the story. And he’ll continue to lead the Unity Squad over in UNCANNY AVENGERS.

      Marvel.com: Jesus, I believe this is your first regular assignment for Marvel. How has it been for you, tackling one of their oldest, most iconic characters?

      Jesus Saiz: Truth is, in my childhood and teenage years, I was always a Marvel reader. And in the 15 years I've been working for the American comic book industry, I never had the chance to work with the Marvel characters, so I had lost touch with Marvel continuity. I wasn’t really up-to-date with what was happening in the Marvel Universe, and that’s an itch I needed to scratch! I would have loved to tackle any of the Marvel icons, honestly, but my hope was that they offered me a character that I knew as a reader.

      So you can imagine how happy it made me when Tom offered me Captain America, and not [just] any Cap, but the original Cap! What I didn’t think about or wasn’t conscious [of, is] what Steve’s role is in the current Marvel Universe [is], or that this year is his 75th anniversary, so I’ve gradually realized I haven’t been offered “just another book,” but one much, much more relevant than I expected. And I have to confess that gave me some pause, some vertigo. My two most recurring thoughts these days are, “Why did they offer this to me?” and “Don't screw up!”

      Marvel.com: Nick, you’ve obviously been writing Sam Wilson in the role of Cap, but what’s it been like writing the original?

      Nick Spencer: I’ve gotten the opportunity to write Steve a few times already at Marvel, and he’s just one of my favorite characters to tell stories with. The key to him is always reconnecting with that kid in the Lower East Side; the son of immigrants who stood up to bullies and would do anything to serve his country. He’s a symbol that carries an enormous amount of weight, a representation of the best part of us, but it starts with him as a human being, pushing himself to be worthy of all that. 

      I’m excited about what’s ahead for him; it really is one of the biggest stories, maybe the biggest, of my career. And that’s not just hype! We have some incredible things planned. Between the anniversary and “Captain America: Civil War,” this really is Steve’s year. We want to make the most of it.

      Stay tuned to Marvel.com and our social media channels for the latest on Captain America’s 7th anniversary!



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      Clearly the new shield is a nod to CAPTAIN AMERICA's original shield[ Captain America Comics#1(3/41) http://www.comics.org/issue/1313/cover/4 ], but this isn't CAP's only TIMELY COMICS' shield[ Captain America Comics#38(5/44) Cap's 4th story http://marvel.wikia.com/Captain_America_Comics_Vol_1_38  ( You need to decide if CAP & BUCKY are REINCARNATED HEROES or TIME TRAVELLERS like RAMA-TUT/SCARLET CENTURION/KANG/IMMORTUS or HANS( DR. DOOM--The Invaders #32-33(9-10/78) http://www.comics.org/series/2251 )---I would have the PRINCE OF GOOD in the PAST PULL them back in time to be HERCULES & BUCKALAAG( ancient Egypt ) & SIR AMERIGO & Bucky( 1313 AD )[ see http://marvel.com/comics/issue/34185/avengers_thor_captain_america_official_index_to_the_marvel_universe_2010_12  for correct spelling of BUCKY's past INCARNATIONS ]---PRINCE OF GOOD[ http://www.internationalhero.co.uk/t/timelycomics.htm  & http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Golden-Age_Characters ].                                                                                                                                                                    IT IS JUST TO BAD that MARVEL doesn't use COUNTER EARTH correctly and JUST HEROES REBURN the TIMELY COMICS & ATLAS AGE HEROES & VILLAINS on COUNTER EARTH.


      Correction: HEROES REBORN.                                                                                                                            Plus I almost forgot the reason I brought up the POSSIBLE EARLY INCARNATIONS of CAPTAIN AMERICA & BUCKY/ HERCULES & BUCKALAAG/SIR AMERIGO & BUCKY the SQUIRE BOY is that if CAP needs a ROUND SHIELD to THROW----HE COULD have EITHER DURING WW2 or MODERN AGE ASK a SORCERER to DO a LOCATOR SPELL to FIND his HERCULES or SIR AMERIGO SHIELD( if neither shield was Enchanted to be Indestructible like the VALKYRIE's sword DRAGONFANG( by Japanese sorcerer ) then a TIMELY COMICS SORCERER or DR. STRANGE could enchant it ).


      This is the worst Idea I've ever heard of, having Two different Captain Americas, Something tells me your going kill off Sam Wilson's Captain America like you did when Bucky the winter Soldier was Cap-America. and what's wrong with  just calling him the real Super Soldier or Steve Rogers the real Super Soldier you can still keep him in that  Shield uniform, why would he need a blade on a shield ,he never killed anyone, I'm still waiting when the Uncanny Avengers are going after the Red Skull, If Steve rogers is going back to being Cap-America it would be because the Red Skull showed up,I thought the Squadron already took care of Hydra?  so what now Steve has the secret fountain of youth in his system. 


      Let him go back to the Captain costume and bring back the black shield


      Steve really should get the original shield back, not just because it's his but because he actually has the enhanced strength to throw it. I don't understand how Sam suddenly had the power to throw the shield (Unless his costume somehow enhances his strength), Bucky at least, had a cyborg arm.


      @P-90 You know your right, this is why Marvel writer don't understand the Characters. 


      Spencer is a hate spreading bigot and will never write another comic book that I will read. Just read his Twitter. Its sad how ignorant this man is.


      @Otnasir I just looked at his Twitter and there wasn't anything that backs up your comment, what specifically did he write that made you think he's a bigot or racist in any way?


      Love that Steve Rogers will once again be Captain America. I won't pick on things that don't quite sit well with me, because I am so glad the C.A. I know is back. 

      Two C.A titles. C.A Sam Wilson and C.A Steve Rogers. I love it especially with a new Falcon on the way. The best of both worlds for old and new fans.

      I compliment the writers on this decision, and only implore one thing! TALK TO JASON AARON AND OTHERS INVOLVED WITH THOR, LETS GET "THOR - ODINSON" INTO PUBLICATION, let Jane Foster keep the mighty thor title, and get Thor the Odin-son back in action.


      Love that Cap is coming back, honestly him being a 90 year old unpowered man who smacks multiple Shan- Chi's around was pathetic.  The Shield is awful, do they run these designs by anyone first? Clearly not for throwing right? It's uneven, curved and beveled, but that's ok it comes with knife for cutting ! I don't remember Cap's old Shield having trouble cutting anything and you could throw it. What is the deal with the pouches these days? I count 6 visible on Cap's belt from the front probably more on the back ,is that one more on his arm? Has anyone (except Shaman from Alpha Flight)in the Marvel Universe ever pulled something out of one of those pouches. 

      Sam is great but he was cooler and more original as Falcon,better name, better costume, plus where is the rank of Captain coming from? Vampire Redwing! Does he sleep in a bird coffin? Can't fly in the daytime?Suck the blood from beautiful finches?

      Feels like you guys are phoning it in

      jimmcbee158 member

      I like the shield. Personally I am looking forward to cap evolving a bit. Who knows for sure what the new shield can do.


      I'm surprise that a Spanish artist, Jesus Saiz, with a rich culture of coat of arms has given us fans a terrible design for the shield. The layout doesn't make sense.  Get rid of that red border! ECCH! That black spot, again ECCH! A better way would be the 1941 version with a large white single star, a field of dark blue and at the lower break point of the shield, with a red jagger edge design.


      I like what they are doing. I like that good old Steve Rogers returns as Captain America, but I also like that this doesn't destroy Sam's new life.

      Although I have seen the day coming when Steve returns as Cap, that it kind of ends up with a conflict between the to of them, I'm glad it's not, although it might have been a thrilling and exciting new story. But I like it. But I know Steve wouldn't actually do something like that. HE believes in Sam and this is a good way of proofing it. I think he wouldn't even regret it.

      The reason no one really seems to like Steve's new outfit is quite easy: in (almost) every comic with captain America it reminds of the original costume, even the Marvel Now costume still looked a bit like the original, but this new one really is completely different. (all new all different ;) ) Of course this is very weird, but it is something unexpectedly new.

      Also I think this proves a big character development for Steve. Steve has ,since he got out of the ice, always been very tied to his past. I don''t say it is a bad thing, no way it is what often makes Steve (his specialty as someone from the 1940's in our fast developing future often is the thing that ties the "modern" people back to the past, " and a wise man once said, people who forget the past are doomed to experience it again") But I think this shows that after all this years now Steve seems to have finally (almost) completely accepted that he is part of that future. I know actually Steve has always shown that he can stand and accept it and be a part of it, but now this accepting is a bit stronger.


      to all out there give marvel time and the shield and costume ,with wings on the head, will return. I think/hope marvel has learned its lesson and is trying to reset back to when it was good (pre disney)


      @BUBBLENATOR  What can possibly be said about your post Bubblenator? My sentiments exactly. Nuff said!

      solarmanomega member

      Mixed feelings! Love Sam Wilson staying on as Cap, love Nick Spencer, don't love Steve Rogers fighting Hydra for the quintillionth time or that drab, clunky costume and awkward shield. I guess I'll stay with Captain Falcon for now and wait to hear about whether or not this series turns out to be interesting.


      Did Cap get a blood transfusion from Protocide? I know they went toe to toe with Protocide saving cap at the end and just road off into the sun set. Also didn't he soundly defeat US Agent, when he was working with Hydra. I know he can go toe to toe with Sam. 


      Why do you feel the need to tell us this a few months out? Can't we still read a comic without knowing the ending or knowing what's coming a few months away. It's bad enough you tell us who's taking over for Cap or the new Thor. Can we read something and be surprised? 


      @Howstone Amen. That's exactly what I want. Stuff like this is pretty much a giant spoiler. But they do need to promote their upcoming series, so sadly it makes more sense from a company's point of view.


      @Phoenixdragon64 @Howstone  this was done in hopes that people will begin to rebuy the current title in hopes that it will some how lead into the return of the original CAPTAIN

      gakedw member

      Costume sucks, shield sucks, making Steve Rogers a "Captain America, Jr." sucks. Why you guys insist on destroying one of your iconic heroes is beyond me....Let's just make all the original characters a bunch of second class citizens why don't we? Oh wait, you're already doing that.

      solarmanomega member

      @gakedw Come now, there's no Jr./Sr. relationship here. Fighting the forces Hydra, as played a story as it is, is about as marquee as a Marvel hero can get. If anything, this implies Sam is the one getting sidelined. Besides, having two heroes share a moniker has worked out fabulously in the past. See Fraction's Hawkeye for an example.

      Not a fan of Steve's new gear either, though.

      solarmanomega member

      @gakedw Okay, but was it a ploy when Bucky took over as Cap? Or does it only upset you when black people get to be heroes?

      gakedw member

      @solarmanomega @gakedw Yes it was.....its not about race as much as it is about the diversity angle. I should have clarified that.There is another issue here too. These writers today don't have the vision and foresight the original writers of these books had. You want a new character? Great!!! Go out and create yourself one. That's what the guys who created the Falcon did in the 60's. They wanted to bring in an African American hero, we got The Falcon. His history and his back story were deeply rooted in the equality movement of the day. Same with the Black Panther and Luke Cage. These characters were great characters and they would have been black, white, or whatever color the writers saw fit to make them. But they didnt replace the originals. Thats nothing more than a poor writer trying to find an easy way to boost sales by changing something already there instead of coming up with new. The Bucky thing was kind of different, because they used a character from the past. But white or black he was a poor substitute.

      This stuff with Thor and Loki and Captain Marvel becoming women was the exact same thing in a different package. Too lazy to develop a really good character so they go and change an existing one. Why isnt Blue Marvel getting more work? Great character with a storyline that was pretty intriguing, what happened to him? Shuffled off to a secondary Avengers storyline. 

      The racial aspect is only there because that's how Marvel is showing the Disney people that they are "getting in line". 

      Everyone claims it's only the old white guys getting mad about the changes at Marvel, and maybe it is. The problem that I see with that is that we are now doing the same thing at Marvel that we are doing all over the world. If it's too hard for you, no sweat. We will dumb it down so you can handle it. Instead of challenging these writers to come up with newer and more difficult challenges, they just dumb it down. And anyone who complains is either racist, sexist, or just old and worn out. Unfortunately, they are also the ones with the creativity and the know how to make something great. We can't be diverse enough with the older characters? Cap fought constantly for Falcon when he came into the picture. He struggled with what Falcon was going through because he didn't know what it was like. The writers made those issues different because they never stayed away from anything because it was political and edgy. Now, instead of tackling those issues we just change races and genders and it's all in the name of keeping everything "diverse". The more I have to see of what is produced now, the more I like watching paint dry.


      @gakedw @solarmanomega  BRILLIANT  a well thought out comment I am in agreement with you 100%.  Today's "writers" are lazy and un-imaginative if marvel had a talented production staff marvel would not be in the state it finds itself in, slumping sales and 3rd rate depictions of heroes.


      BEST SHIELD EVER!! Saudações alvinegras!


      Super excited Steve's Cap again, but the costume and shield are horrible.


      @vijinand  I agree hopefully this batch of "writers/artist" won't be around long and the original shield/costume will return.


      I haven't really read "Captain America: Sam Wilson", but the previews of it I have read have been very left-wing politically. I'm not completely against that. Comics are a good medium to talk about social issues and I have nothing against an author using his comic book to share his political ideals. But, some of it has been so obvious and "preachy" that I've rolled my eyes more than once. 

      So, my idea or wish is that Steve Rogers ends up being more right-wing politically and the Captain America books could be used as a kind of comic forum for intellectually discussing the pros and cons of each political viewpoint. If done right (i.e. not as obvious and preachy), it could really be a good chance to stir up respectful and intellectual conversation about important issues, in which both sides get an equal treatment (since both super-heroes are respected and looked up to). I think that could work well, but it would be difficult to pull off.


      How long do we wait to Steve gets the shield back?


      and when does the original (best) costume return too?


      ok Steve is back and its about time. problem is there should be only ONE CAPTAIN AMERICA not 2. the original should get THE SHEILD and not some carbon copy second tie hero should be usingit.  the "new shield" seems silly and gimmicky, like some one is trying to sell toys or something.

      this is a good start to the return of the original heroes.


      Bring back Protocide


      Personally, I kind of like Steve in his prime anyway!

      Valamist member

      Cannot say this is a surprise, but at least Sam is still going by the name of Cap too. I kinda prefer his interpretation of the character, a bit more pro-active and less built upon ideology. I guess it’s only a matter of time until Odinson comes back as Thor… I just hope Jane is not thrown away and her contribution to the lore broken

      DJ 24
      DJ 24

      @BUBBLENATOR what about Bucky?

      blacktech member

      I feel so disappointed.  My gut tells me I should of knew America was to racist to have a Black man representing America.  Can't blame Marvel, they tried and sales plummeted, and business is business no matter how insecure or racist the customer is.  But come on Marvel, be at least equal about having two: "Cap fighting the face of true evil"  Ok great, but that means the Sam is going to just be fighting low level street punks? Or wait they are going to have him as Captain Hoods of America!  


      @blacktech  I'll be honest with u. I was a little insecure with my thoughts on this, but here goes nothing! I'm honestly really happy to have the old cap back, Steve Rogers what I've always grown up on & always is my fav marvel hero along with Blade & Falcon...so I may sound little biased. However I can understand some people seeing this as a race thing..but I'd like to believe it is just giving a little something to the original fans of the Cap. When it comes to race, I don't think it should define the character as a whole besides the looks. I'm Asian & there don't seem to be a lot of great representations of Asian characters in the marvel universe...I'll be honest, for the longest times we were villains to the heroes XD Mandarin, freaking Silver Samurai ;) This isn't to derail u from own personal opinion btw! The reason I like characters isn't for their race, but for their character overall & who they are! I understand it'd be nice to have racial representations, but u should try seeing beyond that :) I'm really looking forward to seeing more Falcon as the Cap & I hope this won't take away from the greatness awaiting him & I hope u can give this a chance too. Sorry again ^__^;; didn't mean to rain on this, but just wanted to say this to a fellow marvel fan as well~cheers

      hummushawk member

      @blacktech Have you read the latest Sam Wilson Cap series? It's more political and such, about polarization and racism and hate-mongering media etc.

      jimmcbee158 member

      @blacktech The writer makes the story good. The Red Hood and Taskmaster were my favorite characters from Siege. Instead of taking Caps mantle he can make a universe for himself. I think the Sam Wilson tittle will stay around for a while. If this means all new villains and fresh story lines I would be more inclined to read it. Sam was kind of a retread in CAPS shadow. This gives him the chance to become his own Captain America. Hopefully they put a great writing team on this and make it great. 

      jimmcbee158 member

      @blacktech Sam Wilson is still captain America. Last time I checked he was drawn as a black man. You seem like the racist.


      @blacktech You're just wrong, real fans such as myself don't care that the current Cap is black, our only problem is that it's not Steve Rogers, he is and always will be the real Captain America. We don't mind characters 'taking a break' for a while but we eagerly wait for the return of the originals, Peter Parker is Spider-Man no matter how many others use the name. Don't play the race card where it's not an issue, it only diminishes those who has suffered genuine racism or discrimination.


      @blacktech  falcon should never been Cap he was excellent the way he was developed.  he only held the shield because marvel was being pc.  Sam would be perfect for handling the "stories" that were in the book/ problem is they are not and should not be CAPTAIN AMERICA  stories.  it would have been better to have a falcon series dealing with the "plots" that are in the current issues.