The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup footage revealed by former Conker dev

Via a series of Vine captures, former Conker developer, Chris Seavor, revealed footage of Gory Detail's 2D platformer, The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup.

First teased in May, The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup is currently in development and is slated for release on the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS eShops in 2014. According to Seavor, the game is "a very sad tale" combined with a "serious and adult story." In June, the developer mentioned that the game features a work-in-progress core mechanic.

"You physically move in and out of the screen," he said. "It's also got hints of Lemmings in there. The game has a core gameplay mechanic — and when I say mechanic I mean something you do which will effect something else in the game world — which we can't say because it will give so much away!"

Seavor founded Gory Details in 2011 when he left Rare after an approximate 20 years with the company. Ex-Rare veteran, Shawn Pile, joins Seavor on The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup's development after leaving Rare last September. Gory Details' last title was the top-down mobile game Parashoot Stan and the indie studio has developed three mobile games to date.

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