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'Flipping Out' Star Jeff Lewis and Reach Bring You Fancy Designer Toothbrushes

It's not enough for celebrities and designers to just put their names on clothes, shoes, and accessories. Whether it's Christian Siriano designing kitchen sponges or Karl Lagerfeld making a snow globe, nothing in your life can be safe from being designed and decorated. Next up? Toothbrushes. And Reach didn't try to get Christian or Karl for this undertaking - they paired up with Jeff Lewis of Bravo's popular house-flipping reality show Flipping Out and Shoshanna Gruss, who is an actual designer.

While we admit that the brushes are kind of cute, do you want to spend extra money on something you're going to replace regularly? If the answer is yes, the brushes are available beginning today on Amazon and ship out to brick and mortar stores in January.
· Reach [Official Site]
· Reach Partners With Designers [Glamour]
· Poll: Would You Use a Recycled Toothbrush? [Racked]

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