The online platform for Taylor & Francis Group content

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Taylor & Francis Online Mobile

To access your organization or society's content from your mobile device and take knowledge on the move, pair your device as follows:

  1. If you have an account, enter your user name and password below. If you are a new user, you will need to register by entering your email address details below.
  2. Click Obtain passcode and make a note of the case-insensitive pairing code that displays, which is valid for 5 minutes.
  3. Visit the site on your mobile device, tap the Settings icon, and select the Device Pairing option.
  4. Enter the pairing code and tap Verify Code.

Your mobile device will be permanently linked with your account. It will also be paired with your organization for 180 days, after which you will need to pair your mobile device again.

More information and FAQs about Taylor & Francis Online Mobile

If you have previously registered on Taylor & Francis eBooks please go to the sign in page
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Taylor & Francis Group