Tasty Valentine’s Day Breakfast Ideas

Valentines Day Breakfast Ideas


Heart Hole Eggs & Toast

1. Toast white bread lightly (you don’t need to overdo it as it will toast more once it’s in the pan). Cut heart shapes out of the toast – I put these to one side and serve with butter/jam/cinnamon & sugar.

2. Place nonstick pan over medium heat, then melt about a teaspoon of butter in the pan.

3. Once the butter has melted, place the toast in the pan and crack an egg right inside the heart shape of the toast (trying not to get any of the egg anywhere apart from the heart so it looks neat).

4. Cook the egg to your desired level. If you like hard fried eggs & you flip the toast, it doesn’t look as pretty. If you like them runny just turn the heat down to medium or low and put a lid over the top of the pan until the whites of the egg cook through.

5. Serve with your mini toast hearts with a topping of your choice and a coffee or tea!

An alternative to this breakfast is Heart Shaped Sausage & Egg.

1. Take some hot dog sausages, cut them in half length-ways, leaving about an inch uncut at the end. Fold the sausage back on itself to create a heart shape.

2. Stick a toothpick through the two loose ends of the sausage to secure. Place this in a greased frying pan and crack an egg in the center. Cook until desired runny-ness.

3. Serve with toast soldiers or even chips! Or check out 3 healthy alternatives to chips or crisps.

Smoothie Heaven

This breakfast idea is perfect for those who’s partners are a little health conscious. They can still enjoy a sweet and tasty breakfast without the guilt afterwards!

1. Gather together some of your partners favourite fruits, my favourite together are strawberry, raspberry and banana.

2. Gather these together and add to a smoothie maker/blender. You can add some milk, ice cream, sorbet, fruit juices or syrup to make it more interesting. Blend it together until smooth.

3. Serve it in either a nice tall glass or if you want, an old jam jar to make it look different. Add a straw and maybe some ribbon round the jar for decoration.

4. If you want to make the smoothie a little fancier, you could add whipped cream and small pieces of their favourite chocolate on top, because who doesn’t like chocolate at breakfast time?! Serve with a little heart shaped toast, or pretty much anything heart shaped on the side, and voila! A healthy breakfast that the whole family can enjoy.


Love you’ Bacon and Pancakes

These can be quite tricky but you can get it right with the right practice.

1. Make some regular pancake batter, then add a small amount of this batter to a separate bowl an add a little red food colouring.

2. Put the pink batter into an old condiment bottle, then fill a second condiment bottle with some of the normal batter.

3. Work quickly for this step. On a medium to hot pan, write the word ‘Love’ BACKWARDS with the pink batter, and then draw around this word with a heart and fill the spaces in. It might take a little practice and temperature changes to get this right, but it’ll be worth it!

4. Serve with some bacon (cooked just the way they like it) and maybe some syrup in a little pot!

Bacon Hearts

1. Preheat your oven to about 200 Celsius.

2. Cut your bacon slice in half. Use 2 pieces of the halved bacon to shape into a heart on a baking tray lined with foil.

3. Bake until your bacon cooked to your desired crispiness.

4. Serve however you’d like for your loved one, you can do a full English element, and even mix these with your heart hole egg on toast. Extra credit if you dip the bacon in chocolate, because everyone likes chocolate. Yum!

5. You can even serve this as part of a lunch idea, topping a caesar salad perhaps?


Heart Shaped Boiled Egg

You will need:
– Milk carton or any juice carton (cut it open, wash it well and dry it)
– Chopstick (round one is ideal)
– Rubber bands

1. Cut milk carton and fold it in half lengthways.

2. Cook a hard boiled egg (about 5-10 minutes).

3. While the egg is still warm, peel the shell off the egg and put the egg in the centre of the the milk carton. Place a chopstick on the center of the egg, and put rubber bands on the both ends to secure the egg. There should be pressure from the chopstick onto the egg, this is how the heart shape is made.

4. Leave the egg in for about 10 minutes.

5. Take the rubber bands and the chopstick off and cut the egg in half. Serve as desired!

If you’re worried about the calories in these breakfasts, see here for how many calories you need a day!

heart egg

If you’re not good at cutting things into hearts then heart shaped cookie cutters are available from baking or seasonal departments in supermarkets or online. Very small heart cookie cutter can be used to make croutons for soup, cutting vegetables for salads or homemade pizza’s, so it’s not just breakfast you can personalise! You can even use larger cutters to cut break for loved up jam or jelly sandwiches for your young children. So now you’ve got some great breakfast ideas, but if you’re still missing that romantic spark then here are some great ways to rekindle the love in your relationship. And as always, keep those beautiful eyes on Drop Of Pink!

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