Comitetul de Coordonare

Comitetul de coordonare este forul de intalnire a actorilor principali din domeniul dialogului intercultural si interreligios precum Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, Guvernul Romaniei prin Departamentul pentru Relatii Interetnice, reprezentanti ai grupurilor minoritatilor nationale si ai societatii civile. Acesta are rolul de a initia si coordona proiectele si activitatile care sunt implementate in acest domeniu la nivel national.

First Steering Comieete meeting


Steering Committee of Alliance of civilization

First SC meeting of 2010

UN House, 2 February 2010, 14:00 hrs



  1. Petru Dumitriu, General Director in the Multilateral Affairs Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  2. Yesim Oruc Kaya, UNDP Resident Representative


  1. Ciachir Lilian, Teaching Assistant, UNESCO Chair for Intercultural and Interreligious exchange
  2. Diana Ruff, Programme Assistant UNESCO-CEPES
  3. Munteanu Ionut Petre, Expert, Joint Parliamentary Commission for UNESCO
  4. George Grigore, Proffessor, University of Bucharest; Romanian Ambassador to the Alliance of Civilizations
  5. Victor Drujinin, President, “Parnership for Europe” Association
  6. Ovidiu Ierulescu, UN Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  7. Edi Kupferberg, Rabbinical Office Coordinator, Federation of Juish Communities
  8. Codruta Hedesiu, Communication Officer, UNICEF Romania
  9. Cristina Balan; Officer in Charge, UN Information Center
  10.  Claudia Liute, UNHCR Public Information Officer
  11.  Mihai Horga, UNFPA Assistant Representative
  12.  Mircea Mocanu, Head of Socio-Economic Section, UNDP
  13.  Anca Stoica, Programme Assistant Democratic Governance, UNDP

Observer: Wajiha Haris, Scherazade Foundation



  1. Opening and Introduction - Mr. Petru Dumitriu, General Director of the UN and other International Organizations Department in the MFA and Ms. Yesim Oruc, UNDP Resident Representative a.i.
  2. Brief presentation of the project objectives and activities – Mr. Mircea Mocanu, Head of Socio-Economic Section, UNDP
  3. Status of AoC National Plan implementation – inputs from Project Steering Committee Members
  4. Update of the Project Annual Work Plan to be implemented upon resource mobilization.
  5. Other issues

1. Introduction and presentation of the project objectives and activities have been performed by MFA and UNDP representatives;

2. Clarifications have been provided by UNDP on the role and responsibilities of the Steering Committee (SC) members with regard to the project implementation.

3. Possibilities will be further explored for finding ways to involve the Scherazade Foundation in supporting the project fund raising activities.

4. The first priorities to be served the project, as agreed by the SC members:

a) Creation and population of an AoC dedicated website

b) Publishing of a book (documentation already translated by the University of Bucharest)

c) Involving Romanian cultural personalities, Ambassadors or high-level representatives of interested embassies (e.g. Razvan Teodorescu, Romanian Ambassador to the Alliance of Civilizations, Ambassador of Tunisia in Romania, etc.) to hold speeches to highschool and university students on inter-cultural and interreligious cooperation. The SC members will explore the possibility to raise funds from the embassies with a special interest in this topic.

5. The Steering Committee members will electronically update the logframe by filling in the AoC-related activities and initiatives which have been implemented so far by their respective organizations. This exercise will serve a three-fold purpose:

a) Baseline assessment, i.e. taking stock of what has been done so far in Romania in the field of inter-cultural and interreligious cooperation, based on which the project Annual Work plan will be revised upon resource mobilization;

b) Reporting on the activities already implemented in Romania;

c) Updating Romania’s National Action Plan on the Alliance of Civilizations (the terminology and concepts used included) – tentative deadline established: August 2010.

6. A selected group of journalists with a special interest in the area of inter-cultural and interreligious cooperation shall be identified and incorporated in the National Steering Committee on AoC

7. A press release should be sent out by each institution/organization represented at the table on the 1st Steering Committee meeting on the Alliance of Civilizations project, in view of raising awareness on this initiative.

8. Recommendations:

a) Civil society organizations should be encouraged and supported to access European funds and implement projects with activities that fall under the AoC umbrella.

b) Steering Committee remains open for inclusion of additional particpants that may at any time appear to be relevant for the project (Civil society organizations, journalists and students associations, representatives of Catholic and Orthodox Churches should be invited as members of the project Steering Committee);

c) UNDP to figure out the most appropriate use of the SC members in terms of both project management functions and substantive contribution to the project.

9. UNDP will send the following documents to all participants:

a) UNDP guidelines on the roles of SC members

b) Alliance of Civilizations project document

c) Minutes of the 1st SC meeting of the project.

10. Next SC meeting – mid March (to be determined).


George Grigore

George Grigore s-a nascut in satul Grindu , Judetul Ialomita  (zona de sud-est a Romaniei), pe 2 februarie 1958. In 1983 a absolvit Facultatea de Limbi si Literaturi Straine din cadrul Universitatii din Bucuresti. In 1997 a obtinut doctoratul in cadrul aceleiasi universitati, titlul lucrarii de licenta fiind "Cateva intrebari asupra traducerii Qur'an in limba romana".

In anul 2000, ca editor-translator al Editurii Kriterion, a lansat colectia "Biblioteca Islamica", unde au fost publicate propriile traduceri ale numeroaselor lucrari fundamentale din cultura islamica, dar si lucrari ale altor traducatori. Cea mai notabila lucrare a fost traducerea sa din Qur'an, fiind publicata in mai multe editii, inclusiv o editie bilingva, imprimata la Istambul in 2003. A publicat studii pe Qur'an si Islam, ca si pe dialecte Arabe, cu predilectie asupra dialectelor din Baghdad si Mardin. A intreprins totodata studii in Kurda.

Din 2001, George Grigore a fost editor asociat al "Romano-Arabica", revista academica publicata de Centru pentru Studii Arabe din cadrul Universitatii din Bucuresti.

Domnul Grigore a publicat traduceri de literatura romana in araba, printre care Marin Sorecu si Carolina Ilica. Antologia sa de poezie romaneasca tradusa in araba a primit premiul Uniunii Scriitorilor din Irak.

Pe langa activitatea de lector la Universitatea din Bucuresti, domnul Grigore a scris o serie de carti practice pentru studentii la limbi arabe, precum dictionare, ghiduri de conversatie si un manual de ortografie si caligrafie.








Petru Dumitriu

Dr Petru Dumitriu is currently Director General for Multilateral Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania. Prior to this appointment he served in the Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations in Geneva (2001-2005) and New York (1994-1998). Since 2006 he has served in the International Advisory Board of the Conference of New or Restored Democracy. He has been an elected member of the UN Committee on Contributions since 2001. He was rapporteur of the Geneva phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (2002). In 1997 he acted as Secretary-General of the Third International Conference of New and Restored Democracies. He was also vice-president of the UNICEF Executive Board (1995), the UN Commission on Disarmament (1997) and the Special Political and Decolonisation Committee (1997). His flagship books are The United Nations System in the Context of Globalization. The Reform as Will and Representation (in Romanian) and Diversité dans l’unité. La capacité de négociation de l’Union Européenne au sein de la Commission des droits de l’homme des Nations unies.

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