Animal Learning and Intelligence News
February 29, 2016

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More Animal Learning and Intelligence News
February 29, 2016

Aug. 4, 2015 — Having neural machinery dedicated to face processing suggests that this ability is hard-wired in dogs through cognitive evolution, and may help explain dogs' extreme sensitivity to human social ... read more

Stress 'Sweet Spot' Differs for Mellow Vs. Hyper Dogs

July 21, 2015 — People aren't the only ones who perform better on tests or athletic events when they are just a little bit nervous -- dogs do too. But in dogs as in people, the right amount of stress depends on ... read more

You Need This Hole in the Head -- To Be Smart

July 15, 2015 — Researchers have shown that intelligence in animal species can be estimated by the size of the holes in the skull through which the arteries ... read more

July 6, 2015 — They may be viewed by some as an invasive species or a commonplace pest of public parks, but a new study has shown that grey squirrels are actually quick learners capable of adapting tactics to ... read more

June 16, 2015 — The cooperative or integrative aspects of insect colonies, such as information sharing among colony mates, can reduce the need for individual cognition in these societies, a new study suggests. ... read more

June 8, 2015 — Neurobiologists have discovered cells in the crow brain that respond to a specific number of items. The study provides valuable insights into the biological roots of counting capabilities. What makes ... read more

Barking Characterizes Dogs as Voice Characterizes People

May 28, 2015 — Research on canine behavior shows that gender, age, context and individual recognition can be identified with a high percentage of success through statistical and computational methods of pattern ... read more

May 27, 2015 — Animals, like humans, excel at some tasks but not others. Researchers used pond snails to investigate learning and memory. They found that if an individual is good at forming memories about food they ... read more

Apr. 21, 2015 — Consumers of cannabis are more prone to experiencing false memories. One of the known consequences of consuming this drug is the memory problems it can cause. Chronic consumers show more difficulties ... read more

Apr. 1, 2015 — One of the biggest challenges in the training and testing of canine teams results from the explosives materials themselves - especially new homemade explosives. A new training aid has been created ... read more

Mar. 2, 2015 — Researchers describe how postmortem brain slices can be 'read' to determine how a rat was trained to behave in response to specific sounds, a new article suggests. The work provides one of ... read more

Feb. 25, 2015 — Being better problem solvers helps mountain chickadees survive at higher altitudes. Living on harsh, unforgiving icy mountains can make one mentally sharper, and this applies to birds as well. ... read more

Feb. 4, 2015 — A new study finds pigeons can categorize 128 photographs into 16 categories of natural and humanmade objects, a skill researchers say is similar to the mechanism children use to learn ... read more

Jan. 20, 2015 — Dogs are 'man's best friend.' The origins of this dog-human relationship were subject of a study by behavioral scientists. They showed that the ancestors of dogs, the wolves, are at ... read more

Jan. 8, 2015 — Unlike humans and great apes, rhesus monkeys don't realize when they look in a mirror that it is their own face looking back at them. But, according to a new report, that doesn't mean they ... read more

Dec. 18, 2014 — For decades, neuroscientists have been trying to design computer networks that can mimic visual skills such as recognizing objects, which the human brain does very accurately and quickly. Until now, ... read more

Dec. 18, 2014 — Crows have the brain power to solve higher-order, relational-matching tasks, and they can do so spontaneously, according to new research. That means crows join humans, apes and monkeys in exhibiting ... read more

Dec. 15, 2014 — The way in which toys are handled and combined with one another during object play can tell use a lot about the cognitive underpinnings of the actors. An international team of scientists studied ... read more

Mimics Do Not Substitute for the 'Real Thing' for Bomb-Sniffing Dogs

Nov. 24, 2014 — Canines trained on pseudo-explosives could not reliably identify the genuine article (and vice versa). When it comes to teaching dogs how to sniff out explosives, there’s nothing quite like the ... read more

Nov. 18, 2014 — Adding just one gram of turmeric to breakfast could help improve the memory of people who are in the very early stages of diabetes and at risk of cognitive ... read more

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