

What are Properties? Properties

Property ID Expected Type Description

This type doesn't have any properties

Has value /freebase/valuenotation/has_value /type/property

The object has a value for this property, but the actual value isn't known. (E.g., we know that this marriage has ended, but we don't know the date it ended.) This property is asserted as a "bare" property (without /freebase/valuenotation being asserted as a type).

Has no value /freebase/valuenotation/has_no_value /type/property

The object has no value for this property (which is why this property isn't being used) -- this is how you say "none" as a value in Freebase. (E.g., we know this person doesn't have children.) This property is asserted as a "bare" property (without /freebase/valuenotation being asserted as a type).

Is reviewed /freebase/valuenotation/is_reviewed /type/property

The values for this property have been verified as correct (and complete, for non-unique properties) as of the timestamp for the assertion of the "is reviewed" property.

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What are Included Types? Included Types

This type doesn't have any included types.

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