Posted on Friday, 7 May 2010

OK! let’s clear this out. Rebel Dog is not Kanellos. Do you want to know about Kanellos?

The legendary Kanellos passed away about 2 years ago. His name means ‘Cinnamon’. He lived a long and free life. He must have been about 17 when he died. He was always there to stand next to the students, the protesters and the people hanging around the central area of Athens, especially at Exarcheia. In his last 12 years he moved into the Polytechneio premises, the Technical University of Athens which is in the Exarcheia area. He became a frequenter, more frequent than many students and started to hang around the corridors, the classes and students’ councils becoming more of a friend than a mascot. When the Dean of the Architecture department called the dog catcher the people rised. A petition and even a demostration was held, in demand of Kanellos release. Finally they let him go but he was already worned out by arthritis and old age and had trouble walking. The students gathered money and bought him a wheelchair for dogs. One student took him in so he could take care of him in his last days. Kanellos finally passed away on the 2nd of july 2008 and returned again into Polytechneio where he was buried accompanied by many of his friends.

Rebel Dog is just one of the new generation of political strays. You can find strays attending demostrations in many cities of Greece, such as Thessaloniki. All the dogs would like to be like Kanellos, free, happy and restless

Here are photos of the late Kanellos

A song for Kanellos

(translated extract)

A song for the dog, Kanelos / who bit me but I understand him / he consists in his point of view with passion / that I wrongly live my life

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