Masatoshi Nagase Stars In GELATIN SILVER, LOVE

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Masatoshi Nagase is one of the great unsung heroes of Japanese film, a hugely reliable character actor with seemingly unerring taste in projects who - despite a huge body of work - remains largely unknown by name. Tell people that you've got a new movie starring Masatoshi Nagase and you'll probably get mostly blank looks. Tell them you've got a new movie with the guy from Funuke Show Some Love You Losers, Sakuran, The Hidden Blade, and the Mike Hama films - in which he plays the titular detective - and then you're on to something.

And now Nagase stars with Koji Yakusho in Gelatin Silver, Love, the much awaited debut feature from acclaimed still photographer Kazumi Kurigami. Nagase plays a photographer hired by Yakusho to follow a hired killer played by the beautiful Rie Miyazawa. I've been checking the website for this one a few times every week for the past couple months and today was finally rewarded with the first trailer for the picture. The verdict? It looks just as good as you'd expect coming from a high profile photographer. Very nice. Check it below the break.

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