Brittney Snow

Brittney Snow Celebrity Photos

Brittney Snow asides from being in a bunch of Blockbuster movies such as the “Pacifier” and “HairSpray” has also been in numerous Tv series as a guest star. She’s also been in a music video and that is in The Academy’s “The Phrase That Pays.” She’s looking ever so lovely dressed as a sexy nurse with her big blue, doll like eyes and puckered up lips. Surely she’s up there with other actresses that have been in Music videos in the past such as Sarah Michelle Gellar in “Sour Girl” by Stone Temple Pilots and Christina Ricci who appeared in Moby’s “Natural Blues.”

Usually the artist in these videos make requests to have these starlets in their videos as they are fans. I suppose it’s the kind of experience where both artists are reciprocated equally. Britney Snow sure does shine in The Academy‘s video- “The Phrase That Pays.”

© 2016 Brittney Snow

Celebrity photos provided by FameFlynet, Inc.

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