Document Detail

Current views on geographic distribution and modes of infection of neurohelminthic diseases.
MedLine Citation:
PMID:  9073023     Owner:  NLM     Status:  MEDLINE    
Neurohelminthiases are more prevalent in geographic areas where environmental factors and poor sanitary conditions favor the parasitism between man and animals. In recent years, population shifts and rapid transport have facilitated the spread of certain helminthic diseases from endemic to non-endemic areas. Although many helminthic parasites are known to cause various human diseases afflicting many millions of people in the world, neurohelminthiases are often not diagnosed because they have been unrecognized by clinicians or confirmatory diagnostic tests are not easily available. Paragonimiasis and schistosomiasis (fluke diseases) are endemic in Asia, Africa and Central America; lesions in the central nervous system (CNS) due to ectopic parasitism of the preadult and adult flukes produce various clinical features that often mimic other diseases. In most cestodiasis (tapeworm disease), the adult worm that lodges in the alimentary tract does not involve the CNS; however, the larvae often enter the nervous system by migration or by metastasis via the systemic circulation, where they cause cystic lesions. Cysticercosis is the most common CNS helminthic infection especially in endemic areas where the parasitism between man and pigs is maintained. In other cestodiases, infections to man are often caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with feces of the definitive hosts (mammals or man). Nematodes (roundworms) generally enter the CNS by ectopic migration of the infective larvae (larva migrans); the routes of infection to man vary with species of the nematodes, and the animal hosts they infest. Angiostrongylus cantonensis is a neurotropic nematode that requires the CNS of mammalian hosts for its growth; the third-stage larvae frequently invade skeletal muscles and the nervous system. Strongyloides, a gastrointestinal nematode, is known to cause CNS involvement in immunosuppressed patients. Recently, some nematodes heretofore unknown to cause human parasitism have been recognized as the causative agents of CNS infections.
K Nishimura; T Hung
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Publication Detail:
Type:  Journal Article; Review    
Journal Detail:
Title:  Journal of the neurological sciences     Volume:  145     ISSN:  0022-510X     ISO Abbreviation:  J. Neurol. Sci.     Publication Date:  1997 Jan 
Date Detail:
Created Date:  1997-06-09     Completed Date:  1997-06-09     Revised Date:  2005-11-16    
Medline Journal Info:
Nlm Unique ID:  0375403     Medline TA:  J Neurol Sci     Country:  NETHERLANDS    
Other Details:
Languages:  eng     Pagination:  5-14     Citation Subset:  IM    
Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, Saga Medical School, Nabeshima, Japan.
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MeSH Terms
Africa / epidemiology
Asia / epidemiology
Central America / epidemiology
Helminthiasis / epidemiology*
Nervous System Diseases / epidemiology*,  parasitology*
South America / epidemiology

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