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 Add this item to the list   Cantharellus melanoxeros

General information

 Summary:Cantharellus melanoxeros Desm., Botanicon gallicum 2: 799 (1830) [MB#179532] 
 Synonymy:≡Craterellus melanoxeros (Desm.) Pérez-De-Greg., Bolets de Catalunya: làm. 908 (2000) [MB#245829] 
 MycoBank #:179532 
 Authors (abbreviated):Desm.
 Page #:799
 Year of publication:1830
 Name type:Basionym 
 Name status:Legitimate
 Sanctioning ref.:SM3(index):67 
 Sanctioned by:Fr. 
 Human pathogenicity code:- 
 Plant pathogenicity code:- 
 Code toxicity:- 

Classification and associated taxa

 Current name:
Associated records:
 Obligate or homotypic synonyms:
 Type of organism:? 

Link out to external resources

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 Molecular links:
 Specimens and strains links: