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Location Greece, North Aegean
Central coordinates 26o 26.00' East  39o 18.00' North
IBA criteria A1, C1
Area 8,342 ha
Altitude 0 - 58m
Year of IBA assessment 2000

Hellenic Ornithological Society

Site description A group of small islands east of Lesvos in the north-east Aegean. Human activities include stock-raising, fishing and tourism.

Key Biodiversity The site is important for breeding coastal species.

Populations of IBA trigger species

Species Season Period Population estimate Quality of estimate IBA Criteria IUCN Category
Audouin's Gull Larus audouinii breeding  1998  28 breeding pairs  good  A1, C1  Least Concern 


IUCN habitat Habitat detail Extent (% of site)
Shrubland Sclerophyllous scrub, garrigue and maquis  -
Coastline Sea cliffs and rocky shores  -

Land use

Land-use Extent (% of site)
agriculture -
fisheries/aquaculture -

Protection status National None International None

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Recommended citation  BirdLife International (2016) Important Bird and Biodiversity Area factsheet: Tokmakia islets, Lesvos. Downloaded from on 04/03/2016

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