Last Update 13:54

Egyptian soldier killed in Sinai bombing: AFP

AFP, Wednesday 9 Jul 2014
Views: 655

An Egyptian soldier was killed Wednesday when a roadside bomb targeted an armoured vehicle in the restive Sinai Peninsula, medical and security officials said.

Four soldiers were also wounded in the attack near the north Sinai capital of El-Arish, the officials said.

Security forces are struggling to quell an Islamist insurgency that has killed scores of soldiers and policemen in the peninsula bordering Israel and the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

The attacks surged after Islamist president Mohamed Morsi was ousted last year, and the militants extended their reach to the Egyptian mainland with a series of bombings.

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kozlov Pyotr
10-07-2014 12:08am
I was coming to egypt but no
I was planning to come to egypt next month but the situation is very hard bombing,mass shooting,al qeada in sinai I am so scsred no way to come to egypt every week I open this page I find bombing or killing so no way to come to egypt in this situation SORRY!!!!
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