British Listed Buildings

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1-23, Moorwell Place Bd2, Bradford

Description: 1-23, Moorwell Place Bd2

Grade: II
Date Listed: 9 August 1983
English Heritage Building ID: 336909

OS Grid Reference: SE1806235815
OS Grid Coordinates: 418062, 435815
Latitude/Longitude: 53.8183, -1.7271

Location: Moorwell Place, Bradford BD2 3HD

Locality: Bradford
County: Bradford
Country: England
Postcode: BD2 3HD

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Listing Text

Eccleshill BD2

Nos 1 to 23 (odd)
SE 1835 24/872


Circa 1830 three storey terrace built as "back to backs". Sandstone "brick" with
stone slate roofs. Corniced chimneys. Two lights square mullion windows in squared
surrounds. Squared jamb doorways.

Listing NGR: SE1806235815

This text is a legacy record and has not been updated since the building was originally listed. Details of the building may have changed in the intervening time. You should not rely on this listing as an accurate description of the building.

Source: English Heritage

Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence.