TESSEA gains transnational experience

Projekt międzynarodowy (opis po angielsku poniżej), którego głównym celem jest zwiększenie, w oparciu o kontakty międzynarodowe, wiedzy władz publicznych w Czechach na temat przedsiębiorczości społecznej.

The main purpose of the project is to provide support to public authorities in the Czech Republic in implementing social entrepreneurship by the means of TESSEA activities based on sharing experience and knowledge with transnational partners. Project objectives are the transfer of know-how from the partners, its application for the Czech public administration, dissemination of know-how among TESSEA members and providing support to TESSEA members and to the Club of Social Entrepreneurs.

P3 – People, Planet, Profit, o.p.s. is a Czech NGO  that was established with the aim to bring and promote new approaches to entrepreneurship with positive effects on society. The company is focussed on social entrepreneurship and on raising social responsibility in economics.
P3 provides general consultancy for social enterprises, develops project applications for setting  social enterprises from the European Structural Funds and holds seminars for starting social entrepreneurs. The company coordinates the Thematic Network for Social Entrepreneurship TESSEA, an opinion platform which associates more than 250 corporate bodies and individuals. TESSEA provides its members information, space for opinion exchange, supports common interests and negotiates with public authorities representatives and politicians. 
We are a partner of P3 – People, Planet, Profit, o.p.s. in the transfer of know-how. There are another two partners in the transnational ESF project: 
DIESIS from Belgium, a network of social economy organisations and experts, and Network for Europe from UK, a support organisation for Civil Society Organisations including Social Enterprises.
The project is funded from the Operational programme Human Resources and Employment and the State budget of the Czech Republic.