The Division's Collapse webgame lets you end the world from your very own house

The Division The Collapse

The Division's slightly odd fear-mongering ad campaign comes closer to its conclusion with The Collapse, a webgame where you type in your address and it tells you how long it would take for the world to end if you were Patient Zero. Using lots of real world data and auto-generated locations, generally the incurable infection goes from lil ol' lonesome Jo to worldwide devastation in about a month. Well done, you idiot.

Matt was so impressed with The Division, he named it the next big RPG.

They've even got a trailer to show off their lovely shinty orange-on-black cities:

You can have a play of it on the official site. Afterwards there's a bunch of info about how it was made, all the different sources they took data from and so on.

Honestly I quite enjoyed it, and it even managed to know where my house in Glasgow was. I'm less certain that the police would use local dive bar and basement club Nice 'N' Sleazy's as a place to distribute medicine, but there you go. The world ended in a little under 26 days, I believe, because I was stupid enough to fly to London. I doubt it's a particularly intricate simulation that will let you save the world by starting off in Siberia or some other inhospitable location, but it is quite nice watching all the orange lines spread and everything die.

Game's out on March 8th. If you've been playing the betas, let us know what you thought below.

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nu1mlock avatar
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2 Days ago

Took me 26 days and 4 hours to destroy the world and I started in a small town in Sweden.