The New World Order

The Administrative State

Rabbi Yeshua told us, “Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek all these things; and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well” Mt 6:31-33.

Rabbi Yeshua gives us free will. Satan’s path through a democratic republic to slavery requires tempting a substantial number of people to voluntarily relinquish their freedom. A free people does not willingly accept chains so Satan’s forces set up traps and add appealing bait. In our time bureaucrats hunting for such persons bait their traps with money to pay their living expenses so that they need not earn a living. Once a man or family who without genuine need agrees to go on welfare the trap is sprung. Such persons will always vote for the people who promise them continued assistance. When a significant number of them begin to notice that they are no longer free but must follow the bureaucracy’s rules, the bureaucracy increases the amount of the welfare benefits.

In the United States, in the 1960s when this effort began to pick up speed, the welfare authorities quickly passed the “man in the house rule.” For a family to be eligible for welfare, a man of working age and ability may not live in the house. This had the effect to separating fathers from their families. God is our Father, our protector and provider. We are God’s Image and Likeness. God himself set men as heads of their households Gen 3:16; Eph 5:22, to be their protectors and providers. If too many men realized their responsibilities to father their families as God’s Image and Likeness the whole welfare trap would fall apart. Today’s fatherless ghetto culture is a disaster for the families on welfare, but they are already in the trap. As the state accumulates recipients of public assistance it eventually acquires enough to outvote those who vote for responsible governance. As soon as the number of people on public assistance rises above 50 percent the whole population is locked in. The voting majority for ever-increasing benefits forces the minority who pay the bills to work harder and harder to pay the expenses of the welfare state.

The end-game for progressives in American domestic politics is the administrative state. This is certainly about increasing bureaucracy, but also much more. Increasingly, progressives in Congress are passing laws that create a broad environment for regulation, but then leave agencies free to write rules and regulations that shape our lives. The bureaucracies not only write the rules but also decide who will have waivers. Slowly, carefully, they are weaving a web of administrative rules that govern every moment of our lives. Congress could theoretically pass new legislation that would limit abuses, but as a practical matter the bureaucracies will eventually control Congress as well through the federal election regulations. A congressman who tries to cut back the administrative kudzu may find his office audited to see whether he has spent every penny of his campaign fund in accordance with the regulations. The number of regulations eventually becomes so great that even the most attentive congressman will eventually violate some of them. As the decades pass, the executive branch is transmogrified into the administrative state. Such a state could eventually dispense altogether with Congress, the Supreme Court, and elections. It could start to directly collect the taxes it wants from the people, whether or not it has congressional authorization or consent of the governed. It could shut down the existing judicial courts and substitute an administrative law judge office obedient to the state. With no further need for a Congress to appropriate money, it could shut down the whole election process and simply continue to govern indefinitely a tame and obedient population.

The Universities

The Ivy League and other prestige colleges and universities train the men and women who organize, rule and govern these institutions.

A few decades ago, when liberals were still storming the barricades, they stood for freedom to express diverse viewpoints, especially their own. Now, even as they continue to champion diversity, they work constantly to narrow its meaning. They want racial diversity, because whole continents populated by blacks, semites and orientals are more likely to trust one of their own. They do not want devout Christians who are likely to respect God’s authority above institutional authority.

To protect the institution against a ruler or senior executive who might someday become persuaded to undermine it, many universities have long insulated their students from diverse opinions by refusing to allow commencement or other speakers who do not reflect the prevailing liberal ethos. As part of that insulation, they inculcate in students a fear of diverse opinions. To assure that a student is not overpowered by a more intelligent outsider the universities add campus “safe spaces” where no independent thought is allowed at any time, day or night. Often the “safe space” is the entire university except for a small “free speech” zone.

In publicly funded universities, the Constitution prohibits limits on free speech. Lawyers have to retain the ability to deal with conflicting arguments, so most law school graduates have never seen a copy of the Constitution, the supreme law of the land! Rather, they study only cases in which judges describe what the Constitution says in ways consistent with the establishment view. These are called the landmark cases, the ones the student really has to know. Cases decided conservatively receive much less scrutiny. In this way they hope as the decades pass to remove the Constitution entirely from American jurisprudence.

The Multinational Corporations

Most national governments believed that, since they had sovereign authority over their lands, they had sovereign authority over all that occurred on their lands. But the eighteenth-century rural farms and the nineteenth-century industrial corporations emerged in the twentieth century as multinational corporations. Multinational corporations were able to exercise power in ways that even the administrative state could not control. If one country raised its taxes on corporations far above the average, the multinationals simply moved their financial resources into a country where the taxes were lower.

The global mobility of capital today is absolute. Billions of dollars can be moved across an ocean in a fraction of a second. This global mobility of capital has also overcome advantages that the labor movement once believed it had. If labor unions drove wages up too high, multinational corporations would simply transfer their capital to lower wage jurisdictions. Even something as apparently immobile as an automobile production plant can be moved over a few years. In the northern United States the United Auto Workers had put great effort into securing state laws that required workers to join a union in order to work. Corporations based in Germany, Japan, South Korea and other countries therefore built their factories in southern states where the right-to-work tradition was much stronger. Some American car companies moved their factories from the United States into Mexico.

Corporations today sell most of their products and services to financial and cultural elites who are highly mobile, ethically flexible, politically liberal, consumerist, and comfortable in a rapidly changing environment. These fit well with the libertarian movements in both parties, so there has emerged a “corporate party” consisting of financial and cultural elites and catered to by both of the national parties.

The administrative state works with libertarian corporations through consensus. Consider the Same-Sex Court Case. The state sees itself as having an interest in eliminating competing authorities, first and foremost the Catholic Church. Same-sex “marriage” destroys the family which is a foundation of the Catholic Church. The multinational corporations recognize that the homosexuals have made adherence to the Sixth Commandment so unpopular among the unchurched that support for same-sex “marriage” assures them of friendly relationships in the media. That leaves Catholics and Evangelicals with strenuous objections, but media lions make sure we don’t get much publicity or sympathetic explanations for our worldview. This is visible every January 22 when the March for Life gathers more than 100,000 Catholics, and many other Christians, on the Washington DC Mall, even in inclement weather, and is hardly mentioned at all in the secular media.

The Supranational Organizations

The United States itself began the trend toward larger government institutions that gathered and organized smaller institutions, when its once-sovereign states banded together as the United States of America. In our time the European Union is the prime exhibit among supranational institutions. The once-sovereign nations of Europe freely chose to surrender their centuries-old national sovereignty to a bureaucracy centered in Brussels, Belgium. The United Nations began as a simple gathering of nations to facilitate common-sense cooperation, but as the decades passed it drew its own member states into a web of treaties that had the force of international law.

Even nominally smaller organizations cumulatively have great power. The International Criminal Court in the Hague claims worldwide jurisdiction. The International Monetary Fund uses market forces to shape economic policy in many putatively sovereign nations, as the Gates Foundation shapes technology policy.

Tying it All Together

“Will God or man be the organizing principle of our lives and the source of all that we need?” The New World Order is clearly being set up as Satan’s counterpart to the Catholic Church:

The administrative state is its head, with universities, the multinational corporations, and the supranational organizations its body. Their senior executives meet from time to time now and will continue to do so, but it will not be strictly necessary. For instance, in the United States federal government, for decades, OSHA has rigorously inspected private sector safety procedures, but it does not inspect any federal agencies because it trusts even federal agencies with no occupational safety experience! They all think along the same lines, so whenever one of them starts a major project, the others cooperate.

Just as the Church exists to lead souls to Rabbi Yeshua, the administrative state will “be like God, knowing good and evil” Gen 3:5, distracting souls from God.

What We Can Do

We resist, quietly, inviting Rabbi Yeshua to send us many children, home schooling the beautiful souls he sends, and leading our well-formed children toward the Formative Professions. There are prayer and radical transformation, which we will need in that very dry time. If we ask Rabbi Yeshua in his name he will conquer the new world order for us, but we will certainly not be able to conquer it on our own Jn 15:5. There is not much time, so we need to start now.

The New World Order Sunset