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Nickname: No Nickname
Emission Mode: ICW
Believed Country of Origin: West of Paris, France[2]

Station Structure

ID (###) repeats, BT, Group Count (##)x2, BT, 5-figure single groups (#####), BT, IMI IMI, BT Repeat Group Count (##)x2, BT, Repeat Message, AR AR (or no ending)

Null Format: ID (###) repeats

Station Summary

M23 operates on many regular schedules and commonly changes ID’s. Sometimes sends on parallel frequencies.  M23 has many variants, some of them very strange but all of them use a long zero.[1]  After 3/3/07 the call-up format changed to having 5 seconds between numbers and 12 seconds between call groups.  M23 has been known to have long periods of inactivity.[1]