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Open link in new window.Technosite, subsidiary of the ONCE Foundation, certifies that:

With date 05/06/2014 has been performed Accessibility Audit Futbol Club Barcelona in your Website http://www.fcbarcelona.cat.

The results of the audit meet the accessibility requirements of level [$tag] of accessibility guidelines for web content 2.0 of the W3C-WAI as well as the Spanish requirements to meet the UNE 139803:2012.

To ensure that Futbol Club Barcelona maintains accessibility requirements incorporated, Technosite will perform manual checks every six months.

If anyone has any difficulties accessing the certified website, contact Technosite.

ONCE Foundation logo

Seal that certifies compliance with the WCAG 2.0 level - AA accessibility provided by Technosite.

Certification details

  • Certifying body: Technosite
  • Certified entity: FC Barcelona
  • Website: http://www.fcbarcelona.cat
  • Accessibility level: Doble-A Technosite WCAG 2.0
  • Certification date: 03/12/2013
  • Certification expiry date: 02/12/2015


Some parts of FC Barcelona website are not fully accessible. Nevertheless, the portal can be certified with the following caveats:

  • In order to commit reasonable efforts, site pages with image galleries older than 2013, which are less visited, are excluded from the certification. The club commits to include adequate textual alternatives to all galleries in the future or in those requested by any user.
  • The club has not responsibility or control on the content of some pages, due to it is automatically inserted from external sources. For example, the publicity is included dynamically in the pages, it is not related to the portal content and it is external to FC Barcelona, due to it is provided by third parties.
  • PDF documents previous to the certification date are excluded from it. FC Barcelona commits to send any of these documents in an accessible format upon request of any user.
  • The page “Getting to Camp Nou”, http://www.fcbarcelona.com/camp-nou/getting-to-the-camp-nou, is temporally excluded from the certification in all the languages available.

During the certification process, due to development constraints and the certification urgency, Technosite has accepted the commitment of the responsible managers of the development of the FC Barcelona new portal regarding a set of unconformities. These non-compliances can be overcome (i.e. these are not absolute barriers) and must be solved in a period of one month after the certification date:

  • The Timeline of Twitter or other social networks embedded in some portal pages. If these elements remain non-compliant after the period of one month, the pages containing them will be excluded from the certification.
  • Textual images in banners under responsibility of FC Barcelona, included dynamically by an Ad Server whose content and functionality are not redundant in the page where they are presented. A solution must be found in the aforementioned time period.

Moreover, the new FC Barcelona portal has been planned according to a responsive design. It means that the pages adapt to a mobile or desktop version according to the browser screen resolution in order to present the contents in every device. It is worth noting that the certification includes only the desktop version, and consequently the mobile version is excluded. This is a warning for screen reader users that could have problems to detect it. FC Barcelona commits to solve it in future reviews.